Thursday, December 26, 2019
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Twelfth Night, or What You Will by William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare is considered to be one of the greatest playwrights in the history of the English language. Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. While there are no official birth records for William Shakespeare, there is a church in Stratford-upon-Avon which claims to have Shakespeare’s baptism records. According to these records William Shakespeare was baptized on April 26, 1564. There is marriage records show that William Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway in 1582. The couple had three children together, and in 1590 Shakespeare left his wife and kids to travel to London. He moved away to London so he could pursue a career as a playwright and actor. After catching the eye of James I and Elizabeth I he became one of the most popular playwrights in England. Shakespeare is famously known for the many different works he produced throughout his lifetime. He wrote many sonnets, poems and plays; which he is most famous for. Shakespeare’s plays have often been described as controversial because he often portrays women as very intelligent figures. Although Shakespeare portrays women in his plays, at the time women were not allowed on the stage, instead the roles were portrayed by adolescent boys. Shakespeare’s father was a glove maker, and his family was of the middle class. This middle class upbringing did not allow Shakespeare to go to university because his family could not afford to send him. Many critics often question how someone who was notShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Twelfth Night Or What You Will2113 Words  | 9 PagesTwelfth Night or What You Will by William Shakespeare is a classic play full of countless humorous encounters between couples and romantic happenstances between those who should not have romant ic relationships. As one of Shakespeare’s most famous comedies, the play explores many problems that seem to be ahead of its time. Within the play, there are instances of cross dressing (Viola as Cesario), homosexual encounters (Sebastian and Antonio), and the ever-asked question of â€Å"what is love?†. LoveRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Twelfth Night Or What You Will Essay936 Words  | 4 PagesWith every good story, there must be reason to the madness. With every great story, the audience is left to question their own thoughts over time. But what really makes a story great? Is it love and good will throughout where in the end nearly everyone is happy and all is well? Shakespeare’s play, Twelfth Night, or What You Will is an example of exactly this happy ending story. Or is it the taboo and transgressions of a story’s characters that make it great? Such as in Shakespeare’s play Hamlet;Read MorePlot And Action In Twelfth Night By Shakespe are1527 Words  | 7 Pagesdilate and Molià ¨re cracks a small smile as he realizes exactly what topic he wants to discuss next.) Molià ¨re. Since we’re on the subject of discussing your play Twelfth Night, there are a couple of key aspects within the dramaturgy of that play that, to this day, still confuse me. William Shakespeare. And what may those be? Molià ¨re. For starters, in Twelfth Night, there seems to be no unity of time, place, or action. William Shakespeare. Go on. What’s your point? Molià ¨re. My point is that the charactersRead More The Character of Sebastian in Shakespeares Twelfth Night: Essay838 Words  | 4 PagesThe Character of Sebastian in Shakespeares Twelfth Night:     Sebastians presence in William Shakespeares Twelfth Night: or What You Will is a vexation. More pointedly, it is his sudden marriage to Olivia which troubles me so. Was he written in to give a parallel storyline between Olivia and Viola? Was he a convenient way to have a double wedding, which Shakespeare seemed to prefer for his happy endings? Or, could there be some other meaning to Sebastian?  The last dayRead MoreThe Different Types of Comedy Employed by Shakespeare in Twelfth Night741 Words  | 3 PagesComedy Employed by Shakespeare in Twelfth Night William Shakespeare wrote Twelfth Night in 1914 as he was commissioned by Queen Elizabeth I to write a comic play for very important Italian courtier. The play included themes of love, confusion, disguise and other particularly funny topics from Shakespearean time. The title Twelfth Night fits in well with the comic play for a number of reasons. Twelfth Night is the name used for the Twelfth Day after ChristmasRead MoreThe Impervious Perception of William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night1631 Words  | 7 PagesIn the kingdom of Illyria (fantasy world), Twelfth Night was supposedly originally written for the entertainment of Queen Elizabeth I. William Shakespeare’s comedy associates with the Feast of Epiphany (January 6th) and was means for entertainment in the seventeenth century. It contains some aspects that can be thought of as a successful comedy when compared to the standards of today’s society. The play incorporates some of the very same devices that are used in modern comedies today, such as topsy-turvyRead MoreAnalyzing Themes in William Shakespeares Twelfth Night Essay1478 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Shakespeare, an English writer in the seventeenth century. He is considered to be the most influential writer in English literature. He wrote various genres, but the common types he wrote were: Tragedies, Comedies, and Histories. Among the m any plays he wrote he wrote one his most famous play, â€Å"Twelfth Night†, which he wrote during the middle of his career. â€Å"Twelfth Night†is considered to be one of Shakespeare’s greatest comedies that he has written. In addition to it is also the only playRead MoreThe Fools in Twelfth Night Essay1098 Words  | 5 PagesThe Fools of Twelfth Night      It is not unusual that the fool should be a prominent figure and make an important contribution in forming the confusion and the humor in an Elizabethan drama. In William Shakespeares comedy, Twelfth Night, Feste the clown is not the only fool who is subject to foolery. He and many other characters combine their silly acts and wits to invade other characters that either escape reality or live a dream. In Twelfth Night, Feste, Maria and Sir Toby are the foolsRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Life Experiences997 Words  | 4 Pages Kemal 1 Ayesha Kemal Mrs. Holcombe Period: 7 10/05/14 Shakespeare’s Life Experiences William Shakespeare was born on April 26, 1564 to John and Mary Shakespeare. As a child Shakespeare grew up in the town of Stratford-upon-Avon in the United Kingdom. He grew up attending a school called King Edward VI School, where he learned to read, write, and use proper grammar. He continued to attend school until his family had some economic hardships and he was unable to attend university. Instead he got marriedRead MoreCompare And Contrast Hamlet And Twelfth Night1162 Words  | 5 PagesFrom Hilarity to Tragedy in Shakespeare: How Hamlet and Twelfth Night Compare By Zawadi Bunzigiye William Shakespeare wrote plays covering the breadth of human experience. They seem to have transcended the restraints of age because of the universal themes that they contain. His body of his work is comprised of genres of plays varying from tragedies to comedies. Of them, Hamlet and Twelfth Night are perfect examples of both. A comparison between them would be of interest because their common points
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Ethical Principles Research Human Subjects †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Disucss About The Ethical Principles Research Human Subjects? Answer: Introducation The first fact of the case is that the tender shall be given to the most capable company so that maximum profits can be riped out. The second important key fact in this scenario is the manager. The management is the CEO of the construction company and hence has a say in the recommendations. The ethical issues in the above case are: (Chron 2013): Decision-Making Issues: The manager could be biased in selecting his company for the tender by taking an advantage of his post as a CEO of the company. Side Deals: The manager could offer tender to some other company in return of the commission from that company. The three ethical principles that are at risk in this situation are as follow: Fairness: In this situation fairness of the manager towards other tendering companies are at risk as he has his own partner company on the tendering list. Truthfulness: The truthfulness of the manager is also at risk. He may make recommendations in favor of the company in which he has a significant share of profits. Justice: The ethical principle of justice is also at risk here in this case. As the manager if recommends his own company then it would be injustice for the other capable companies that might have done better work in low cost. So another ethical principle is compromised here(Childress 2005). Stepping out of decision making would make the manager coward hence the manager shall not take this decision. Declaring interest and taking decision would be good for manager as well as company Not declaring the interest would not be good as recommendations would not be proper in that case. In this case manager shall declare the interest and make recommendations for proper decision making. A small business owner is planning to go global for which he is expecting the help of a government official of that country in which he is intended to set up his further business unit for business purpose. The government official is a key person that can help the business owner in making his plan successful. The government official is expecting a monetary payment in the exchange of his help. This payment is not clear that if he is asking for a bribe or for official payment. The one ethical issue in this case is the decision of whether to give the monetary payment to the government official or not. As he is asking for bribe, which is not a right thing to do. The two ethical principles in this case are as follows(Severson 2016): Respect for the person: In this case the government official is not respecting what the businessman is intended to do, he is only lending his helping hand in exchange of monetary payment from the businessman which is wrong. Beneficence: Here in this scenario the government official rather than expecting money should help the businessman in setting up the business and helps him in protecting his rights but he is only helping him in expectations of getting a monetary compensation in return. Two Courses of Action are: Make the payment: Making the payment would further increase his demand in future but on the other hand the monetary payment would be beneficial for me. Dont make the payment: If the payment is not done he wont help me. So, after going through both the consequences I would want to make him small monetary payment in return of his favor of helping me. APES 110 code of ethics for professional accounting(Zsolnai. 2017): Objectivity: The fundamental code of ethics has been breached in this situation, as the BABA ltd is gifting the auditor a set of golf economics, thinking that it might affects the auditors report. Professional Behavior: In this situation the fundamental code of ethic of professional behavior has been breached, as I helped my friend in getting the loan pass by unfair means. Integrity: Integrity means honesty and truthfulness, the fundamental principle of ethics as per APES 110 has been breached. As working on local council committee, I am being dishonest and untruthful as I am favoring my friends proposal and ignoring the others. References Childress, J 2005, Belmont Revisited: Ethical Principles for Research with Human Subjects, Springer, Accounting. Chron 2013, viewed 17 Feburary 2011, Severson, R 2016, Ethical Principles for the Information Age, Springer, London, viewed 10 june 2016, Zsolnai. 2017, Ethical Principles and Economic Transformation - A Buddhist Approach, Cengage, London, viewed 15 july 2017,
Monday, December 2, 2019
U.S. Vs. Japan In WWII Essays - Japan, , Term Papers
U.S. vs. Japan in WWII On August 6, 1945 the atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The Enola Gay, piloted by Colonel Tibbetts, was chosen to make the mission. The mission was recorded as successful by Capt. William S. Parson at 9:20 A.M. This was an extremely controversial military strategy in the United States. Was the United States justified in the dropping of the atomic bomb? Yes, they were justified formany reasons. The primary reason was, that it would stop the war. Why is it that this war needed to be stopped so badly? Even though in some ways it was helping our economy, it was very costly in both money and lives. Also, the United States soldiers were undergoing harsh treatment by the unmerciful Japanese. Another reason the war needed to be stopped was to defend ourselves from another attack on U.S. soil, which in turn would kill many of our U.S. citizens. This is why the war needed to be stopped; thus, justifying the use of the atomic bomb. World War II was the costliest war in history, in terms of lives lost. No exact figures exist, but approximately between 15 and 20 million military personnel were killed. Of these, 292,000 were Americans and 6,000 innocent United States citizens were murdered by our enemies. It has been estimated that if the United States had not dropped the bomb and had invaded Japan instead, the United States would have lost about a million soldiers. The Japanese suicidal fighting strategies greatly effected this number. The Japanese would rather die than surrender. This is demonstrated by the battle of Saipan. At this battle over half of the population of Saipan walked off a cliff instead of surrendering to the United States. This was often very effective. Many times when a Japanese soldier decided to blow himself up instead of surrendering he would kill many Americans with the same blast. Also the kamikaze techniques of the Japanese fighters killed many soldiers. If this war would have continued we could have lost thousands more. Also up to this point we spent 300 billion dollars on war efforts. Many materials and other objects were damaged. Any estimate on how much money was lost in damages would be futile. This number would have continued to rise if it had not been for the use of the atomic bomb. The horrendous atrocities that occurred during World War II were unmerciful as well as unnecessary. During one invasion of China, the rape of Nanking, the Japanese killed 100,000 Chinese civilians. They were burned, butchered, and raped. Sometimes the Japanese would tie a big group of them together and use them for bayonet and sword practice. After the fall of Bataan the soldiers were forced to go on a death march. During this march many unheard of things happened to the soldiers. A soldier was often killed for trying to get a drink of water. If a soldier fell down the Japanese would either bayonet them or knock them unconscious. Once they were knocked unconscious, the Japanese then forced another American soldier to bury the unconscious soldier alive. One soldier once commented, "The worst time was once when a burial victim with about six inches of earth over him suddenly regained consciousness and clawed his way out until he was almost sitting upright. Then I learned to what length a man will go to hang onto his life. The bayonets began to prod me in the side and I was forced to bash the soldier over the head with the shovel and then finish burying him."(Kappler, Pg. 168) This harsh treatment to innocent civilians and our soldiers needed to stop. The atomic bomb was a way to stop it. On December 7, 1941," A day that will live in infamy," Pearl Harbor was deliberately attacked by the Japanese. Reports indicate that 2400 people were killed and 1300 were wounded. The reason Japan bombed Pearl Harbor was because that was where all of our Navy ships were positioned. They were hoping to take out the Navy and were almost successful. The aircraft carriers were expected to be in the harbor, but luckily were not. Although the attack may have been a military success
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Poetic Devices essays
Poetic Devices essays We be getting down and you know we're crush groovin Let me get some action from the back section Let your back bone flip but don't slip a disc Let your spine unwind just take a risk I wanna do the freak until the break of dawn Tell me party people is that so wrong Spice Girls Last Time Lover Cool sexy, ever ready, someone fine, always steady, gentle hands, dirty mind, use your head and don't be blind Counting Crows, Long December The feeling that its a whole lot of oysters, but no pearls Splender I Think God Can Explain Dire Straits Romeo and Juliet Juliet when we made love you used to cry you said I love you like the stars above I'll love you till i die ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to turn stress into motivation using paper a guide for “negative thinkersâ€Â
How to turn stress into motivation using paper a guide for â€Å"negative thinkers†Teach your mind to recognize good things, as our brain does exactly what we tell it. Being distressed is no big deal in the US or any other country. We get so used to high demands and time pressure that we take this discomfort as given. On top of that, we overestimate â€Å"disaster†in our college life, pushing ourselves further into anxiety and depression. In most cases, we blame negative thinking. If not for this wicked mindset, we could be as happy as many bright and carefree people around us. But we are not. At least, we believe we cannot change our way of thinking. In this article, we are going to give you a few tips on how to recognize positive ideas in your mind and how to turn them into everyday motivation. You can do all of that using an ordinary piece of paper. When you try implementing these strategies, you will be impressed by how many beautiful things you used to ignore in your head. Create a memory mailbox In the 21st century, we have an inbox that operates perfectly without any paper. However, we propose you to create a real cardboard mailbox where you will regularly put hand-written paper letters. It is important that you write these letters to yourself. Back to our mailbox, however. Though it requires more than just a piece of paper, you probably have a box of a suitable size around. Keep in mind that it will be filled with beautiful memories, even if you do not know what they are yet. Use only colors and materials you like most to decorate your mailbox. Write a letter to yourself As your nice memory mailbox is ready, it’s time to start writing letters. Take a piece of paper and note down all the good things that happened to you in the past couple of days. You can describe positive events to the best of your inspiration if you like writing. If you don’t, just jot down some positive events that look remarkable to you. Try to write these letters once or twice a week. If you start procrastinating, take a letter out of your mailbox and look through it. Remind yourself of your recent success, good feelings, or pleasant people. Tell your brain that your life is not full of work, classes, and desperation in between. Grow a beautiful tree of wishes If you like the idea of decorating your living space, make a colorful tree, where every leaf carries a wish. Besides usual paper, you will need a tree branch. You can find a suitable one while walking in a park or you can buy an artificial branch from a florist. Getting started, think of the good things you dream or what you plan to implement. Create leaves of colorful paper, foil, or use pages from an old magazine. Write your wishes on leaves and attach them to the branch. Use your imagination. Decorate your tree with other small details. Every time you feel down, look at your tree. You have so much to strive for. There is no time for moping when good things are ahead. Put positive memos all over your home Do you have a habit of placing sticky notes everywhere you can see so you don’t forget important things? You can do the same with your positive memories and achievements. It is no wonder that your brain is stuck in negative thinking if you only overwhelm it with problems. This time, we offer to remind yourself of good moments that happened to you. Write short notes with emojis or print out small pictures from delightful events that make you smile. Make a collage of your favorite movie quotes Everyone loves movies. We bet you have a couple of favorites that boost your spirits, motivate you to move on, or provide you with a sincere laugh. You can use them as food for positive thinking. Print out your favorite movie scenes, lines, or actors’ quotes and place them on a collage. Taking a glance at your personal exposition of movies, you will feel more confident and comfortable. The main idea behind each part of this advice is to teach your brain to think positively about your life. Negative thinking is not a disease, but it considerably undermines your mood and ruins performance. Having started to think positively, you will act more productively. And current distress can become an incentive to change your life for the better.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Monetary Policy and its Effects on Stock Markets Essay
Monetary Policy and its Effects on Stock Markets - Essay Example Despite claims that monetary policy should not affect stocks, there is evidence that the policy can affect real stock prices in the short run (Bernanke & Kuttner 2005) and also an opinion that the nature of the monetary policy regime can affect the performance of asset markets over longer horizons. It has also been observed that by altering the path of expected dividends, the discount rate or the equity premium is one of the effects of the monetary policy on stocks1 Observers of Financial Markets have noted that an unexpected decrease in the federal funds rate target leads to a rapid and positive reaction in stock prices thus implying the effect of the Monetary Policy on Stock Markets. Research Methodology - Our research methodology includes secondary data indicating the effect of policies on stock markets. We shall also examine the behaviour of important macroeconomic and monetary policy variables during stock market booms which will lead us to understanding the effect of macroeconmic policies like the Monetary Policy on Stock markets. The effects of Monetary Policy on Stock Markets. Monetary Policy Tools that affect stock prices Discount Window Lendings - The Monetary Authority can directly change the size of money supply by using the Discount Window tool. By calling in existing loans or extending new loans, the money supply in the country is regulated. When the money supply is ample, investors look to investments and when money supply is low, invetments are diluted to increase liquidity. Thus Discount Window Lendings influences stock prices. Reserve Requirement - A certain reserve of their assets is meant to be held by the Central Banks which is for withdrawals and the remainder is normally invested in mortgages and loans. A change in the reserve... In this essay, the researcher aims tol ascertain the importance of the Monetary Policy and its effect on the stock markets. Despite claims that monetary policy should not affect stocks, there is evidence that the policy can affect real stock prices in the short run and also an opinion that the nature of the monetary policy regime can affect the performance of asset markets over longer horizons. The research methodology includes secondary data indicating the effect of policies on stock markets. The researcher also examines the behaviour of important macroeconomic and monetary policy variables during stock market booms, which lead to understanding the effect of macroeconmic policies like the Monetary Policy on Stock markets. The researcher then concluds that early effects of the monetary policy can be observed when asset prices tend to focus on the impact of changes in liquidity on the demand for various assets that compromise the portfolio of the Private Sector. Extended periods of ra pidly appreciating equity housing and other asset prices in the United States and elsewhere since the mid 1990s have increased attention towards the effects of monetary policy on asset markets. The researcher also can conclude, that 20th century stock market booms typically were associated with the business cycle arising, when output growth was above average and ended as output growth slowed showing the effect of economic policies which affect stock markets and the stock markets globally are affected by Monetary Policy.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Coca Cola Companys Organization Challenges Essay - 1
Coca Cola Companys Organization Challenges - Essay Example The Coca Cola Co. is an American beverage corporation that is multinational. It delves in the manufacturing, retailing and marketing of non-alcoholic beverage drinks all over the world. It has its headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia (Anders, 2013 p 43). The multinational company is renowned for flagging the Coca-Cola product that was invented in 1889 by a pharmacist known as John Stith Pemberton. The formula of Coca-Cola was developed by Asa Griggs Candler in 1889 and has since then been discrete in the company. Coca-Cola Co. operates what is referred to as a franchised distribution system (Anders, 2013 p 43). The company is responsible for the production of the syrup concentrate that is sold and distributed to the numerous bottling companies spread all over the world that holds exclusive territories. Coca-Coca Co. happens to be an identifiable company. Being attractive is one of the superior strengths that it has. It happens to be known worldwide with a powerful brand. It has a clear logo that is also acknowledged with ease (Anders, 2013 p 47). With no doubt, there is no drink company that meets the heights of Coca-Cola’s social status. Some people buy Coke drink not because of its unique taste but because of the need to conform to the global society that uses Coke. In spite of these advantages, Coca-Cola Co. still encounters challenges. These setbacks are essentially a threat to the popularity and the expansion of the company. The challenges threaten the business. Loss of trust has been a recurrent problem that has rocked the Coca-Cola Co. for a very long time. Each day, the company strives to earn respect from the consumers (Anders, 2013 p 73).
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Chinese Naturalism over Metaphysical Dualism Essay Example for Free
Chinese Naturalism over Metaphysical Dualism Essay Chinese metaphysics challenges the Greek paradigm of metaphysical dualism with naturalistic metaphysics. They argued that harmonious relationships in society and tolerance for change were the essentials of life, instead of the belief that you must separate your body and mind. Socrates and Plato laid out most of the foundation for Greek philosophy, but in Chinese metaphysics, Confucius and Laozi are the main front runners. Chinese metaphysics takes root in Confucius’s work, Analects. In this work he described the four central virtues: ren, yi, li, and zhi. These stand for co-humanity, appropriate conduct, ritual propriety, and wisdom, respectively. Not only do these establish the harmonious relationships that naturalistic metaphysics builds on, but they also establish a way of life that examines individuals based on their character. Yi even allows for shades of grey because it can differ in many situations; with it being context sensitive, the most correct response is what the individual should attain for. This is what leads an individual in developing character in their natural relationships. Laozi, the credited founder of Daoism, pioneered Chinese cosmology and acknowledged the â€Å"Dao†as the source and ideal of all existence. He believed that humans were manifestations of the Dao, and that immoral acts upset the natural balance of the Dao. He is often given credit for the Daodejing, translated to mean primodial, however scholars argue that there are multiple authors to the text. This text has a central concept named wu wei, which literally means â€Å"do nothing.†This explains harmony with the Dao, ziran. This leads Laozi to emphasize simplicity and humility, instead of selfish actions. Chinese metaphysics really takes a deeper look into the relationships of individuals with their families and how their character affects the decisions they make. Greek philosophy leaves these fundamentals on the back burner, and instead looks at the separation of mind and body.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Henry Carey :: essays research papers fc
Henry Charles Carey One of the most highly regarded and best known economist of the early eighteen hundreds was Henry Carey. Of all the many American economists in the first half of the nineteenth century, the best known, especially outside of America, was Henry Carey. Being born in Philadelphia, Carey's views were that typically of an American. The manor, in which he opposed other economists and established his own theories, distinguished him as a prominent figure not only in his hometown of Philadelphia but in the entire United States. He rejected Malthus and Ricardo on several grounds and accused them of deviating from the views of Adam Smith. His belief in the revision of economic thought stemmed from the fact that early classical thinking, developed in Europe, was not suitable for a newly discovered country such as the United States which consisted of abundant land and scarce labour. These aspects will be viewed in detail while examining Carey's principle theories. However, before tackling the unprecedented theories of Carey, a description of the man's life and career, and writings should first be examined. The Life of Henry Carey He was born in 1793 in Philadelphia. He was the son of a self-made Irish immigrant, Mathew Carey. His father, whom was a leader in early American economic thinking, emigrated from Ireland on account of the political upheaval during the time. Henry Carey was also self taught and in 1821 at the age of twenty-eight assumed ownership of his fathers printing press. Carey who was a largely self-educated man, retired from active business at forty-two in order to devote the rest of his life to his literary career. Carey was known for his enormous published output. Many believe his quantity took away from the meaning he was trying to corroborate because it was rambling, repetitious, and diffused the message. The publications included thirteen books, about three thousand pages of published tracts, and perhaps an equal quantity of newspaper articles, editorials and correspondence covering economic and political topics. Here is a list of Carey=s most creditable works: Essay on the Rate of Wages (1835), The Principles of Political Economy (1837-1840), The Credit System of France, Great Britian and the United States (1838), An Answer to the Questions: What Constitutes Currency? What are the Causes of its Unsteadiness? And what is the Remedy? (1840), The Past, Present, and the Future (1848), The Harmony of Interest (1851), The Principles of Social Science (1857-1860), and The Unity of Laws as Exhibited in the Relations of Physical, Social, Mental, and Moral Science (1872).
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Duration Of Coaching Csa Trinity Education Essay
Knowledge is deemed an indispensable portion of training within any clean environment. Furthermore, within any clean environment all managers require some sort of training cognition whether novitiate or expert in which constructed throughout life or coaching experiences. Coaching cognition is critical whether planning, coach/athlete relationship, analysing, and observation etc†¦ In which is important towards participants larning. Therefore, the intent of this paper is to find whether any cognition has been extended and how farther cognition can be constructed to heighten personal coaching towards accomplishing long clip personal end of expertness coaching. This will be completed via 20 completed hours with the CSA Trinity ( CSA ) and training Sessionss which were delivered within the 12 hebdomads at Oxford Brookes University to detect if any patterned advance from a novitiate to expert knowledge base manager. Phases of development Throughout the continuance of training CSA three Football Club training observations were deployed towards myself via feedback from participants and parents to find what training degree public presentation stood. Mention to appendix 5, manager public presentation feedback sheets. As Bloom ( 1985 ) provinces, three stages of the faculty include induction, development and flawlessness in which designed to better immature jocks within a suited environment and hence enhances the development of expertness. However, a somewhat different position from Dreyfus and Dreyfus ( 1986 ) whereby expertise accomplishment involves five phases of completion novitiate, advanced novice, competent, proficient and expert within anyone ‘s field of expertness. Conversely, farther surveies demonstrate several transmutations of athletics context as Cote ( 1999 ) adopted four phases and designed a faculty to raising and develop participants, but besides could drop out at different phases in required duri ng the sampling, specialising, investing and diversion stages. Another theoretical account as Bush and Roberts ( 2011 ) Schempp et Al ( 2006 ) suggest managers ‘ demands of going an adept practician involve extended cognition base. However, in order to make drawn-out cognition base managers require commence through four phases of development, novitiate, competent, proficient and expert. Though each theoretical account demands are important in order for development to make a 1 ‘s end â€Å" expertness †significantly for different types of work industries and degrees of abilities. However, Hargreaves and bate ( 2009 ) province ; experience and cognition are good as developing and training the participants within the session to obtain improved accomplishments and cognition of the game, instead than running a session via accretion drills. Furthermore, Bush and Roberts ( 2011 ) Schempp et Al ( 2006 ) suggest, novice accent lay on participant ‘s behaviors than slightly developing the participant and hence, no future battle of cognition to better acquisition. However, Schempp et Al ( 2006 ) continues, within the competent stage, cognition is consumed to diminish the sum of errors that occur, but every bit concerned with regulations, such as no speaking policy when manager is speaking. Therefore, competent coaching within the first five or six hebdomads at University and ( CSA ) as somewhat confounding due to letters of information received within talks. Consequently, deficiency of experience and cognition prevailed as proficient cognition, contemplations ; planning, coach/athlete relationship and coaching manners etcaˆÂ ¦ were slightly a learning stage and hence running alternatively of training a session in which no acquisition or developments took topographic point when presenting Sessionss. Mention to appendix 4, brooding journal and one to six hebdomads of session evaluations/reflections for under 8 ‘s and 11 ‘s. For that ground, building cognition was the following phase in order to accomplish a degree of proficiency as Perlus ( 2008 ) feels that, training cognition comes from personal experiences, i.e. playing the athletics, expertise degree and context etcaˆÂ ¦ and hence playing ability is indispensable in which refines training cognition. However, these properties would hold a certain grade of effectivity, although non indispensable to go an adept manager. For illustration, Linford Christie ‘s ex-coach Ron Roddan highest accomplishment was running for his county Middlesex and Jose Mourinho current Real Madrid director both encountered short low profile, playing callings. As Carter ( 2006 ) provinces, Jose Mourinho playing calling was really brief, nevertheless, during his brief enchantment as a participant whilst analyzing football methodological analysis within Lisbon ‘s Sports University. Therefore, increased his cognition base in which Mourinho encountered all phases t o expertise which lead him to assorted assistant/manager occupations at high-profile nines. However, deriving experience from old playing calling is non indispensable to derive expertness cognition. Whether professional jock or playing recreational athleticss expertness cognition can be gained through sheer finding and motive and create solid foundation within training. Therefore, indispensable for different facets to derive cognition, i.e. experiences, books, diaries, analyzing public presentation, playing experience and detecting other coaches- penetration into tactics and technique and feedback are important constituents to make coveted end of expertness. Mention to appendix 1,2,3,4 and 5 of portfolio. However, deriving expert cognition requires hours and old ages of deliberate pattern harmonizing to Ericsson and Charness ( 1994 ) , Nelson et Al ( 2006 ) , Ericsson et Al ( 1993 ) , Schempp et Al ( 2006 ) , cote ( 2006 ) and Gilbert et Al ( 2006 ) which are from different Fieldss and slightly indecisive within the continuance and experience to necessitate expertness cognition base. Nevertheless, all theories fluctuate and suggest five, 10 and 13 old ages, 3,000 to10,000 hours to make full potency. However, Schempp et Al ( 2006 ) provinces, adept cognition are neither familial nor typical features, but fineness within training which instruction and experience in which can be expanded over hours or old ages of deliberate pattern dependant on the single motive of success. Though, depending on what type of coach/person, sheer finding, personality, visions, passion, motive and ends etcaˆÂ ¦ you possess cognition. Hence, experience could be administered quicker to stand out from novi tiate to expert to accomplish the end they require as Schempp et Al ( 2006 ) points justly out. Finally, if required plenty cognition and content with the degree of coaching/knowledge, managers may choose to halt if gained a degree of efficiency. Another method which coaches concept cognition is formal, non-formal and informal manager larning whereby ongoing and womb-to-tomb development to build farther cognition in different organisations. As Nelson et Al ( 2006 ) , Bush and Roberts ( 2011 ) , Smilde ( 2009 ) and Edwards et Al ( 2006 ) study that, formal acquisition is institutionalized and organised instruction system with inactive or additive learning aims and chief focal point is the merchandise and non the procedure for illustration, course of study administrations i.e. BTEC, national government organic structure ( NGB ) classs and degrees-foundation grades etc.. â€Å" enfranchisement constructed †. For case Ehlers ( 1998 ) found that, disadvantages occur within formal larning ‘learners remember merely 20 % of the information presented during a formal lesson ‘ . Consequently, formal acquisition has no consideration for the individual/learner and low impact on cognition and hence, decreases the trouble of the demands of the manager. For illustration, managers, possibly hesitant when using cognition to pattern, when and how to train. Although, Nelson et Al ( 2006 ) , Bush and Roberts ( 2011 ) , Smilde ( 2009 ) and Edwards et Al ( 2006 ) continues, non-formal acquisition takes topographic point outside formal acquisition within workshops, groups, administrations and best pattern etcaˆÂ ¦ acquisition does non happen, because, on the other manus good for basic apprehension. However, inordinately hard to mensurate if learning/knowledge has taking topographic point as no base on balls or fail occurs and hence, does non supply a model which is critical for building training cognition. Though, Informal larning consists of building cognition, developing accomplishments and behaviors which benefit training pattern via the usage of diaries, books, pictures and autonomy etcaˆÂ ¦ . Therefore, research and acquisition within the environment over ongoing life long procedure is good for expertness cognition. For illustration, detecting to dispute something, reflecting in ( within session ) and on ( after session ) pra ctical, proficient and critical jobs can make a deeper acquisition or development of training cognition. Mention to appendix 6, readings-development of adept training page 2 and 6. However, persons are slightly different and learn at different velocities, ways. Therefore, to make a sound cognition base, formal and non-formal acquisition would supply non merely enfranchisement, but a foundation for patterns, drills and the rudimentss apprehension of the coaching environment. However, informal, the most good, but using cognition from informal with the usage of the non-formal and informal would turn out slightly good for some persons within the coaching environment. Hence, persons learn otherwise i.e. in their ain in manner which they feel conformable, see different chances to detect the result themselves etcaˆÂ ¦ to accomplish a certain end. Areas of cognition The sentiment of Cassidy et Al ( 2004 ) and Robyn et Al ( 2008 ) is that, the work from researcher Shulman ( 1986 ) in respects to content cognition required three subdivisions, capable affair content cognition ( SMCK ) refers to the manager and cognition to present a session i.e. nucleus accomplishments accomplished by the participants whilst the regulations are coached etcaˆÂ ¦ pedagogical content cognition ( PCK ) is the ability to learn or pass on whilst engaged with the ( SMCK ) participants. Finally, course of study content cognition ( CCK ) ‘tools of the trade ‘ as mentioned by Robyn et Al ( 2008 ) , intending explicating and analyzing the capable affair towards pupil acquisition. However, Metzler ( 2000 ) suggests, Shulman ‘s work is a great get downing point in respects to content cognition. However, Metzler ( 2000 ) continues, farther dislocation of the current constituents into a farther three classs declarative, procedural and conditional cognition would be good as it would go confidant within the designated athletics. Therefore, Metzler ( 2000 ) and Bush and Roberts ( 2011 ) portion the same position in that declaratory cognition ( DK ) in which managers explains and show verbally or within a written format, i.e. the cognition about and facts and things. Metzler ( 2000 ) and Bush and Roberts ( 2011 ) continue, procedural cognition ( PK ) , intending â€Å" knowledge how too/ how to accomplish it †i.e. how to execute a undertaking or process and conditional cognition refers to when and why to make something and what happens if. Refer to appendix 6, readings-development of adept training pages 5-6. However, both Metzler ( 2000 ) and Shulman ( 1986 ) in respects to all classs are slightly good when using both methods together within the coaching environment whereby managers can better participants ‘ public presentations and hence, larning takes topographic point as the cognition to acquire something done had occurred â€Å" adept Coaches †. Mention to appendix 2 Sessionss plans 9 and 10 of both under 8 ‘ & As ; 11 ‘s. The latter phases of the 20 hours training and lectures going more confident as expanded cognition and experience was clearly apparent as some larning took topographic point. Therefore, proficient cognition, reflections/evaluating, planning, coach/athlete relationship and coaching manners etcaˆÂ ¦were developing together non merely certain facets of coaching. However, due to huge accrued cognition and experience proficient cognition base was more distinguished, but still needs betterment. Mention to appendix 4, brooding journal and seven to ten hebdomads of session evaluations/reflections for under 8 ‘s and 11 ‘s. Though, concentrating more on the participants ‘ performance/development, participant battle instead than running a session as before. However, expert knowledge more formidable and hence, more cognition and experience required to make lifetime end â€Å" adept cognition base manager †. As Schempp et Al ( 2006 ) Wiman et Al ( 2010 ) conclude to derive expertness cognition involves changeless planning for coveted results of Sessionss, deriving cognition all the clip via diaries, books, workshops, programmes which involve enfranchisement etc.aˆÂ ¦ Furthermore, larning and detecting from other adept managers, experience etc†¦ Refer to appendix 5, peer observations-strengths/weaknesses Decision Given this grounds, it can be seen that managers get cognition they need to be effectual and adept manager via different methods through a figure of formal, non-formal and informal acquisition environments. However, larning is diverse and dynamic procedure in which is really typical and hence, different to being taught something within instruction. Therefore, indispensable to derive cognition through all types of experiences from playing recreational to professional athleticss, reading diaries or books, written work, workshops programmes which involve enfranchisement etcaˆÂ ¦ Furthermore, deriving expert cognition requires hours and old ages of deliberate pattern all dependant on what type of attitude the coach/person requires as sheer finding, passion, and motive to make the coveted ends could stand out towards the journey of dream end â€Å" adept manager †.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Defining Philosophy Essay
Philosophy derives from the two Greek words philein, which means ? to love,’ and sophia, which means ? knowledge’ or ? wisdom’ (Moore & Bruder, 2002, p. 2). This is not the only definition of philosophy as philosophy is a very vast subject. â€Å"A critical examination of reality characterized by rational inquiry that aims at the Truth for the sake of attaining wisdom†(Russo & Fair, 2000, 4). My interpretation of philosophy is a field of study where one thinks â€Å"outside of the box†in the search for knowledge or wisdom that does not involve scientific explanations. There is no consistency in the nature of philosophical questions. The nature of many philosophical questions concern norms. The application of norms, also known as standards occurs when people decide whether something is good or bad, right or wrong, beautiful or ugly. Normative questions ask about the value of something. The field of science explains how things are but does not tell us how things ought to be. Sometimes philosophical questions arise when different people believe different things. For example, some people believe that a cause-and-effect relationship exists in everything. If a person drinks spoiled milk, he or she will get sick. There are others that believe when one voluntarily decides to do something- nothing made them decide to do that. This refutes the cause-and-effect relationship belief. Then there are many other ways to look at the situation. Is every happening caused? Or are some happenings uncaused? Or is it perhaps that decisions are not â€Å"happenings†? These questions cause a dilemma that involves philosophizing. The importance of some philosophical questions-Is there a God who is attentive, caring, and responsive to us? and Is abortion morally wrong? -is obvious and vast. A justification would have to be given for not contemplating them. But some philosophical questions are of more or less obscure, and seemingly only academic or theoretical, consequence. Not everything philosophers consider is dynamite. But then, every field has its theoretical and non-practical questions. Some questions are inherently interesting to the people who pose them. Some philosophical questions are asked because the philosopher wants to know the answer simply to know the answer. Most philosophical questions tend to fall into one of these four areas: Questions related to being or existence (Metaphysics), Questions related to knowledge (Epistemology), Questions related to values, and Questions of logic or the theory of correct reasoning. Metaphysics and Epistemology are branches of philosophy that are very similar to one another. The questions related to values are standards of conduct and conditions of responsibility. Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that is concerned with these areas: Cosmology- Theory of reality and Ontology- Theory of being. The two basic questions of metaphysics ask what is being? and what are its fundamental features and properties? Some specific examples of metaphysics questions are: What is the mind? Do people have free will? â€Å"Metaphysical bookstores,†for example, specialize in all sorts of occult subjects, from channeling, harmonic convergence, and pyramid power to past-life hypnotic regression, psychic surgery, and spirit photography. However, the true history of metaphysics is quite different. Metaphysics has little to do with the occult or Tarot cards and the like. Epistemology is the theory of knowledge that asks what is the nature of knowledge and what are the criteria, sources, and limits of knowledge. Specific examples of epistemology questions are: What is truth? and Is it possible to know anything with absolute certainty? The questions related to values involve four different philosophies: (1) moral philosophy (ethics)- is the study of right and wrong in human action or the philosophical study of moral judgments; (2) social philosophy- the philosophical study of society and its institutions; (3) political philosophy- which focuses on the state and seeks to determine its justification and ethically proper organization; And (4) aesthetics- is the study of beauty or the philosophical study of art and of value judgments about art. Questions of logic or the theory of correct reasoning, seeks to investigate and establish the criteria of valid inference and demonstration. Logic is the study of the principles of right reasoning. Logic is the basic tool that philosophers use to investigate reality. The questions raised by logic are: (1) What makes an argument valid or invalid (2) What is a sound argument? Philosophical questions differ from questions of a scientific or factual nature because philosophical answers usually entail making careful distinctions in thought, words, argument, and recognizing subtle distinctions among things and among facts. Philosophical solutions also require logic and critical thinking skills, discussion, and exposition. Philosophy involves one to learn how to look carefully for similarities and differences among things and develop an ability to spot logical difficulties in what others write or say and to avoid these pitfalls in their own thinking. In addition, in philosophy people learn to recognize and critically assess the important unstated assumptions people make about the world and themselves and other people and life in general. These assumptions affect how people perceive the world and what they say and do; yet for the most part people are not aware of them and are disinclined to consider them critically. Finally, learning philosophical lessons allow people not to become trapped by stubbornness. Philosophical lessons instill the value of open-mindedness and seeking solutions to problems that meet standards of coherence and reasonableness. References Moore, B. N. , & Bruder, K. (2002). Philosophy: The Power of Ideas (5th ed. ). Boston: McGraw-Hill Russo, M. , & Fair, G. (2000). What is Philosophy Anyway. Retrieved from the World Wide Web on March 17, 2006 from: http://www. molloy. edu/academic/philosophy/SOPHIA/what_is_philosophy_anyway. htm.
Friday, November 8, 2019
5 Uses of Infinitives
5 Uses of Infinitives 5 Uses of Infinitives 5 Uses of Infinitives By Mark Nichol An infinitive is a phrase, consisting of the word to and the basic form of a verb, that functions as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. Here’s a discussion of the five types of infinitives. 1. Subject An infinitive can constitute the subject of a sentence. For example, in â€Å"To go, even after all that trouble, didn’t seem worthwhile anymore,†â€Å"to go†is the action that drives the sentence. 2. Direct Object In the sentence â€Å"We all want to see,†â€Å"to see†is the direct object, the noun (or noun substitute) that receives the action of the verb. â€Å"To see†refers to a thing being done or, in this case, desired to be done: the act of seeing. 3. Subject Complement In â€Å"My goal is to write,†â€Å"to write†is the subject complement. A subject complement looks just like a direct object, but the difference is in the type of verb preceding it. The verb in the previous example, want, is a transitive verb. (Transitive verbs have two defining characteristics: They precede a direct object, and they express an action.) In â€Å"My goal is to write,†the verb is a copular, or linking, verb one that links a subject to a word or phrase that complements it. (In this sentence, â€Å"to write†is the goal, so it’s the complement of goal. Note that in the previous example, â€Å"to see†is what those referred to as we want, but it’s not the complement of we.) 4. Adjective In â€Å"She didn’t have permission to go,†â€Å"to go†modifies permission it describes what type of permission is being discussed so the phrase serves as an adjective. 5. Adverb In â€Å"He took the psychology class to try to understand human behavior,†â€Å"to understand (human behavior)†explains why the taking of the class occurred, so it’s an adverb modifying the verb took. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Compared "to" or Compared "with"?Rules for Capitalization in Titles20 Criminal Terms You Should Know
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Discover Family History With Probate Records and Wills
Discover Family History With Probate Records and Wills Some of the most genealogically-rich documents on an individual are actually created following their death. While many of us actively search for an ancestors obituary or tombstone, however, we often overlook probate records - a big mistake! Generally well-documented, accurate, and packed with numerous details, probate records can often provide answers to many stubborn genealogical problems. Probate documents, in general terms, are records created by a court after an individuals death that relate to the distribution of his or her estate. If the individual left a will (known as testate), then the purpose of the probate process was to document its validity and see that it was carried out by the executor named in the will. In cases where an individual did not leave a will (known as intestate), then probate was used to appoint an administrator or administratrix to determine the distribution of assets according to formulas set by the laws of the jurisdiction. What You May Find in a Probate File Probate packets or files may include any of the following, depending upon the jurisdiction and time period: willsestate inventories, or lists of assetsappointments of executors or administratorsadministrations, or documentation of the distribution of assetspetitions for guardianship of minor childrenlists of heirslists of creditors or accounts of debts ...and other records considered to be important to the settlement of an estate. Understanding the Probate Process While laws governing the probate of a deceaseds estate have varied according to time period and jurisdiction, the probate process usually follows a basic process: An heir, creditor, or other interested party initiated the probate process by presenting a will for the deceased (if applicable) and petitioning the court for the right to settle an estate. This petition was usually filed with the court that served the area where the deceased owned property or last resided.If the individual left a will, it was presented to the court along with testimony of witnesses as to its authenticity. If accepted by the probate court, a copy of the will was then recorded in a will book maintained by the clerk of court. The original will was often retained by the court and added to other documents pertaining to the settlement of the estate to create a probate packet.If a will designated a particular individual, then the court formally appointed that person to serve as executor or executrix of the estate and authorized him or her to proceed by issuing letters testamentary. If there was no will, then the court appointed an administrator or administratrix - usual ly a relative, heir, or close friend - to oversee the estates settlement by issuing letters administration. In many cases, the court required the administrator (and sometimes the executor) to post a bond to ensure that he would properly complete his duties. One or more people, often family members, were required to co-sign the bond as sureties.An inventory of the estate was conducted, usually by people with no claim to the property, culminating in a list of property - from land and buildings down to teaspoons and chamber pots!Potential beneficiaries named in the will were identified and contacted. Notices were published in area newspapers to reach anyone who might have claims on or obligations to the deceaseds estate.Once bills and other outstanding obligations on the estate were met, the estate was formally divided and distributed among the heirs. Receipts are signed by anyone receiving a portion of the estate.A final statement of account was presented to the probate court, which then ruled the estate as closed. The probate packet was then filed in the records of the court. What You Can Learn From Probate Records Probate records provide a rich resource of genealogical and even personal information about an ancestor which can often lead to still other records, such as land records.Probate records almost always include: Full nameDate and place of death Probate records may also include: Marital StatusName of spouseNames of children (and possibly birth order)Names of childrens spouses of married daughtersNames of grandchildrenRelationships between family membersClues to the trade or occupation of your ancestorCitizenshipResidences of your ancestor and living descendantsLocations (and descriptions) where your ancestor owned propertyFeelings of your ancestor toward family membersClues to the deaths of other family membersClues to adoptions or guardianshipsInventory of items owned by the deceasedClues to your ancestors economic standing (e.g. debts, property)Your ancestors signature How to Find Probate Records Probate records can usually be found in the local courthouse (county, district, etc.) that presided over the area where your ancestor died. Older probate records may have been moved from the local courthouse to a larger regional facility, such as a state or provincial archives. Contact the clerks office of the court where the person resided at the time of death for information on the location of probate records for the time period in which you are interested.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Comparing two companies - "New look" and "Next" Coursework
Comparing two companies - "New look" and "Next" - Coursework Example After analyzing the management styles of the two companies, how they communicate in the company and the organizational structure that is followed by the company it seems as a conclusion top the report than NEXT is a better investment option as compared to NEW LOOK. The garment industry is one of the oldest industries in the world. The industry has been the main foreign exchange earner for many countries in Asia. However there are several challenges and management issues that this organization is facing recently. Some of the management issues being faced by the organization are advanced technology, Product life cycle, competition, consumer behaviour etc. The recent figures that tell the story of world economy tell that condition of the world economy is not so good. Among different industries the garment industry is also a victim of the poor performance of the global economy. The rising levels of unemployment in Europe and USA has forced the consumers in being selective regarding what are the things that they purchase. As the consumers in these countries have become choosy regarding what they purchase, this has adversely affected the countries like Bangladesh and Pakistan for whom the garment industry was one of the most important opportunities to earn foreign exchange. In the late 2008 and early 2009 the retailers of garment in the Europe and USA reported margin losses of as high as 30% in some cases. The consumers have changed the purchasing habits; have postponed purchases in some cases, and in some other cases have driven hard bargains. This in turn has led the producers of the garments, the garment retailers increasingly become more and more competitive. This means the industries need to increase their efficiency in order to keep up their profitability and compete successfully in this market place. Another important management
Friday, November 1, 2019
Evaluate the role played by Britain in shaping modern Australian Essay
Evaluate the role played by Britain in shaping modern Australian society and political culture. Does the term 'Austral Briton' still hold any relevance - Essay Example A good and profound example is the Head of State who is the current Queen of England. The other is the Union Jack symbol in the Australian flag. Many Australians as at the WWII either descended from Britain or were actually having direct ancestral links to Britain2. This paper will therefore discuss the role played by Britain in shaping modern Australian society and political culture while shedding light on whether the term ‘Austral Briton’ still holds any relevance. Before the 1st World War Australian inhabitants especially the ones born there or had their ancestry trailing from Britain or Ireland were being termed as ‘Aussie’ colloquially. This was rather a term that denoted ability to survive through hard times and later was more defining as it distinguished those born in Australia and immigrants3. This latter distinction was coined during and after the 2nd World War. The nation was originally a British penal colony from 18th century and more precisely from 17884. The continent had been seen to be one that is full of hardships by Joseph Banks who went further to suggest that convicts should be taken there from Britain. It is in 1788 that the first batch of convicts docked at Botany Bay5. This first fleet comprised of marines, men and women convicts. The following years saw an increased movement to Australia as more convicts were being shipped and being taken further inland. The women population among the convicts was just 20 perc ent. This disparity between men and women convicts went a long way to shape the current mateship ideology. This transportation of convicts to Australia however came to an end officially in 1850. More and more people started to stream in from various nationalities but the biggest number was from Britain making them dominate the demographics of Australia6. Australia was a region of the earth where democracy did not exist as a formal system of ruling masses up until the colonisation by the British. Most
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Government of the Russian Federation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The Government of the Russian Federation - Essay Example The transformation in foreign policy thinking profoundly impacted policy making and was based on the realization that the real security threat to Russia came from the deteriorating economy due to excessive military spending. Rather than applying the overt exhibition of military power, Gorbachev chose to apply political influence. He improved diplomatic relations and economic cooperation by such actions as unannounced personal appearances at public events both within and outside Soviet borders. Gorbachev charismatically utilized the world media and made political concessions in the resolution of regional conflicts and arms negotiations that were previously unimaginable under the old regime. The ‘New Thinking’ aided the Soviet Union in garnering wide approval of many nations. Its peace-making policy that released Soviet control over Eastern Europe ultimately led to the collapse of communism and the end of the Cold War. Its success would entail radical changes not only in t he way the economy functions, but in social and cultural policy, in Soviet political life, and ultimately, in the way in which the Soviet Union deals with the larger international community. By-products of the ‘New Thinking,’ perestroika (restructuring) and glasnost (openness) initiated far-reaching governmental policy changes that affected virtually every aspect of Soviet life. These new concepts were a distant departure from previous Soviet practices. This discussion will focus on the building of the Russia Federation, the competing ideologies within the government along with Russia’s new approach to foreign policy and how it was designed to tie in with internal reforms. It will briefly review recent political history leading up to this new way of thinking including how such a radical departure from past procedures and policies was accomplished and the subsequent consequences this reversal of political thought inspired as well as its far-reaching
Monday, October 28, 2019
Spanish Armada Essay Example for Free
Spanish Armada Essay The Spanish Armada showcased the Spaniards boldness and determination to expand their territory and their religion of Catholicism. However, there are several underlying reasons on why Spain waged a war against England. The decision of King Philip II to launch a fleet of naval ships towards the North have been influenced by many consecutive incidents that demonstrated the looming conflict between Spain and England. During the 16th century, Spain and England used to be allies in advancing a common cause which was to expand their respective colonies. But it was their similar objectives that instigated the manifestation of a strained relationship between the two countries. More so, the relationship between England and Spain became more tensed when Philip II married Mary I, a sibling of Queen Elizabeth I, making him a â€Å"titular King of England. †This union highlighted the difference in religious beliefs of a Catholic and a Protestant that raised eyebrows in the English Monarchy who doubted the real intentions of Spain with England. In retaliation, England gave support to the Dutch uprising against Spain. Several black propaganda were launched that criticized King Philip II and the Catholics in general as wicked human beings. Then, the situation worsened when â€Å"Catholic Queen Mary of Scots†, the only remaining link of Spain with England in 1587, was executed for allegedly plotting against Queen Elizabeth I. Because of these events, the plan of King Philip II to conquer Europe was blocked in which motivated him to start a confrontation with England through an Armada (Mitchell, 2005). Unfortunately, Spain was defeated in this battle because of the unfavorable weather conditions and the fact that the English were more advanced with their warfare resources and strategy. As a result, Englands victory entitled the English with the position of being the strongest and most influential in Europe. Meanwhile, for Spain, their loss became a learning experience that motivated them to enhance more their naval capabilities as well as their military tactics. References Mitchell, C. V. (2005 August). The weathering of the armada. Inventory of Conflict Environment. Retrieved May 20, 2008 from http://www. american. edu/ted/ice/armada. htm
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Essays --
Volleyball Research Paper For some people, they literally live, breathe, and are volleyball; others do hate the sport and prefer soccer or football (as many do already). But volleyball has been around for more than 100 years! And it is one of the world’s most popular sports; a worldwide estimate of around 800 million people play volleyball at least once a week. But today’s volleyball doesn’t compare with the volleyball that was first invented in 1895. Society has modified to an extent this trending sport the past few decades that some actually think that William G. Morgan, the inventor of volleyball, wouldn’t be able to recognize his own sport. William G. Morgan was an instructor at the YMCA in Holyoke, Massachusetts. Morgan came up with the new idea by mixing parts of other sports like tennis, baseball, basketball, and handball together. The net idea was actually derived from tennis (which is probably why it looks so familiar), however Morgan decided to raise it a little over six feet above the middle of the court; now, the net can be up raised 8 feet above the court due to changes in the game and its rules. Another aspect that wasn’t original is the word â€Å"volleyball†. The game was in fact called â€Å"mintonette†when Morgan first created it but after observing a demonstration game, some scholars approached Morgan with a new name, â€Å"volleyball†, which they found more appropriate to call the name due to the way the athletes volleyed the ball back and forth over the net: hence, the name was changed and has been the same for more than a century. In 1895, Morgan created only one volleyball but like everything else, it has revolutionized into subsets and variations of volleyball such as: Indoor/Outdoor, Newcomb, Beach, Footvolley, Shoo... ... apply to spikes and serves. For body composition, having lower levels of body fat will be an advantage because it could provide more power, better coordination, and possibly better balance. If there were to be an â€Å"excessive†amount of body fat, it is possible that the player’s ability to move around the court freely could decrease and would increase chances of fatigue during the exercise. In conclusion, volleyball is a competitive but amusing sport in which really anyone could participate and could excel in when following the rules and guidelines. Health-wise, it would make a great addition to a daily workout; an average human could burn up to 600 calories during one hour of competitive volleyball! And not only does it burn calories, but it adds a great variety of skill to your coordination and improves cardiovascular and muscular endurance and body composition. Essays -- Volleyball Research Paper For some people, they literally live, breathe, and are volleyball; others do hate the sport and prefer soccer or football (as many do already). But volleyball has been around for more than 100 years! And it is one of the world’s most popular sports; a worldwide estimate of around 800 million people play volleyball at least once a week. But today’s volleyball doesn’t compare with the volleyball that was first invented in 1895. Society has modified to an extent this trending sport the past few decades that some actually think that William G. Morgan, the inventor of volleyball, wouldn’t be able to recognize his own sport. William G. Morgan was an instructor at the YMCA in Holyoke, Massachusetts. Morgan came up with the new idea by mixing parts of other sports like tennis, baseball, basketball, and handball together. The net idea was actually derived from tennis (which is probably why it looks so familiar), however Morgan decided to raise it a little over six feet above the middle of the court; now, the net can be up raised 8 feet above the court due to changes in the game and its rules. Another aspect that wasn’t original is the word â€Å"volleyball†. The game was in fact called â€Å"mintonette†when Morgan first created it but after observing a demonstration game, some scholars approached Morgan with a new name, â€Å"volleyball†, which they found more appropriate to call the name due to the way the athletes volleyed the ball back and forth over the net: hence, the name was changed and has been the same for more than a century. In 1895, Morgan created only one volleyball but like everything else, it has revolutionized into subsets and variations of volleyball such as: Indoor/Outdoor, Newcomb, Beach, Footvolley, Shoo... ... apply to spikes and serves. For body composition, having lower levels of body fat will be an advantage because it could provide more power, better coordination, and possibly better balance. If there were to be an â€Å"excessive†amount of body fat, it is possible that the player’s ability to move around the court freely could decrease and would increase chances of fatigue during the exercise. In conclusion, volleyball is a competitive but amusing sport in which really anyone could participate and could excel in when following the rules and guidelines. Health-wise, it would make a great addition to a daily workout; an average human could burn up to 600 calories during one hour of competitive volleyball! And not only does it burn calories, but it adds a great variety of skill to your coordination and improves cardiovascular and muscular endurance and body composition.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Famous Women of Uttarakhand Essay
Bachendri Pal the archetypical Amerind women to climb Ascension Everest, Bachendri Pal belonged to a stock of rattling temperate effectuation. She was calved in twelvemonth 1954 in a Nakuri village in Garhwal. Bachendri was an nimble nipper and did fit in her civilize, she excelled in sports too. Her freshman danger to climb was at the age of 12, when during a vacation she along with several schoolmates climbed a top of alt 4,000mts. She complete her exercise, decent the low woman of her settlement to do so. She also secured the best office in a rifle propulsion circumstance during quantification. Her lineage was application business troubles and she desirable a job desperately. She shared with her parents her want to get a pro mountaineer. The association was â€Å"devastated,†as for them, her relatives and localised group, the most suited job for a negroid was teaching, not mount.She connected the Solon Make of Climb (NIM). She was declared the superior intellectual and was thoughtful as â€Å"Everest material†. In 1982, spell at NIM, she climbed Gangotri I (21,900 ft) and Rudugaria (19,091 ft). Around that quantify, she got engagement as an educator at the National Adventure Substructure. Bachendri was chosen as one of the members of the selected grouping of six Asian women and team men who were privileged to activity an raise to the Move Everest in 1984. After an accident spell rise the Mt. Everest, members of the squad go disabled. Despite an loss Everest. She remained on the summit for nigh 43 proceedings and became the foremost Soldier nipponese to measure the Organise Everest, and the fifth female in the man. In 1985, she led an Indo-Nepalese Everest Campaign group comprising of only women. The expedition created heptad grouping records and set benchmarks for Asian mountaineering. In 1994, she led an all women aggroup of rafters. The aggroup coursed finished the actress of the river River, cover 2,500 km from Haridwar to City. Bachendri Pal says†adventure sports same trekking and mountaineering toughens a organism, both mentally and physically†. Summing up her mount campaign, Bachendri Pal, the freshman Amerindian friend and ordinal in the domain to uprise Layer Everest, says: â€Å"Mountains pirate you to raft with vituperative situations. They move punish and activity qualities, humanity, courageousness, ego accept and certainty, too transfer one in contact with group from assorted areas and disparate cultures.†Bachendri Pal belonged to a family of very moderate means. She was born on 24 May 1954 in a village named Nakuri in Uttarakashi District of Garhwal. In 1982, Hari.K.Govind hill at NIM, she climbed Gangotri(21,900 ft) and Rudugaria (19,091 ft). In that time, she got employment as an instructor at the National Adventure Foundation(NAF), which had set up an adventure school for training women to learn mountaineering. Icchagiri Mai alias Tinchari Mai Ichhagiri Mai alias Tinchari Mai (1912-92) â€Å"Comissioner, send me to prison; I have burnt the liquor shop down. And I won’t stop with this one†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The woman avenger – against liquor in Pauri Garhwal in 70-80s. Government earns considerable revenue by licensing country liquor shops in the hills. For men it is a cheap way of escapism. Finally it is women who have to pay the price in terms of violence, abuse and no money to run the household. Tinchari Mai was an illetrate sanyasini (nun). Gaura Devi (1925-91) Forest is like our mother’s home. We will defend it – come what may.†After Gandhi’s Satyagrah, this housewife, born in Lata village in Chamoli, gave he next weapon, in the fight against state oppression – Chipko movement. Women’s natural environment, which provides, fuel, fodder & water is under tremendous stress. Chipko literally means to hug a tree and die with it, if need be ! A long series of forest movements over last two centuries in Himalayas have been an assertion of usufructuous rights of the community to the forest. The State has tried to curtail it ever since the Raj days. The battle is on.. Devika Devika Chauhan was the first girl to graduate from Jaunsar hills in 1954. She, again was the first woman to become a Block Development Officer in the entire state of Uttar Pradesh. She later rose to the level of Asst. Director – tribal welfare. Played an important part in the survey of tribal communities in the UP hills and securing privileges from Government for them. Retired but comitted to women’s cause, She is still working with voluntary agencies in Jaunsar Bawar. Currently lives in Dehradun with a number of children. Her Biography Seven Sisters Bhagirathi Seven Sisters adventure club represents a new breed of Garhwali women. Bachhendri Pal of this club, climbed Everest in 1984. Nine years later, she led an all women team to the same peak successfully. Women in the hills have always climbed steep cliffs and trees in search of fodder; Only now, they are proving, that they are no less than men, where technical skills and physical stamina are of vital importance. Radha Behn (Radha Bhatt) Filed in : Social Activist Born on 16 October 1934 in village Dhuraka, Almora, Radha Behn has made exemplary contribution in the fields of women’s education and employment. She quit formal education after her intermediate in 1951, and joined Sarla Behn at her Laxmi Ashram in Kausani, to undertake social work. From 1957 to 1961 she was active in Bhoodan Yatra and toured various regions of Uttarakhand. She took active part in movements against mining, alcoholism and deforestation. For her contributions to social empowerment she was honored with Jamnalal Bajaj Award in 1992. She has authored several books and articles. Gaura Pant ‘Shivani’ Filed in : Art, Literature, Writer Gaura Pant (Shivani) holds a prominent place amongst the women writers of Uttarakhand. She was born on 17th October, 1923 in Rajkot, Gujarat to a Kumouni family. After her early education in Almora she was sent to Allahabad for higher education, and then she went to Shantiniketan where she had the fortune of academic enrichment under the tutelage of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore. Right from her childhood she had a flair for writing. Embedded in the folk culture of Kumaon she conveyed the yearning if common man and woman in and their inter-relationship in her writings. In 1935, Shivani’s first story was published in the Hindi Children’s magazine ‘Natkhat’, at age twelve. She wrote 30 novels, 13 short story collections and 8 volumes of memoir. Among her well known works are Vish Kanya, Kainza, Chaudah Phere and Bhairavi. In recognition of her contribution to Hindi literature she was given several awards and honours including Bhartendu Harishchandra Samman (1979); Padmashri (1981); Mahadevi Verma Samman (1994); Subramannyam Samman (1995) and Hindi Sewa Nidhi Rashtriya Puruskar (1997). She died in March 2003 in Lucknow. Sheila Irene Pant Filed in : Academician, Intellect Sheila Irene Pant (Begum Ra’ana Liaquat Ali Khan) was born in year 1905 in Almora, Uttarakhand (then United Provinces of Agra and Oudh). She obtained a first class Masters degree with honors in economics from the University of Lucknow in 1929. Begum Ra’ana began her career as a teacher in the Gokhale Memorial School and was later appointed as Professor of Economics in the Indraprstha Girl College, Delhi. In April 1933, she was married to Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan, the first Prime Minister of Pakistan. She then played a prominent role in the social and political life of Pakistan. After the reorganization of Muslim League, Begum Ra’ana devoted herself to the task of creating political consciousness amongst the Muslim women. Her struggle for emancipation continued till the creation of Pakistan for Muslims of India in 1947. Liaquat Ali Khan was assassinated in 1951. Begum R’ana continued her services for the social and economic uplift of women of Pakistan till her death in 1990. Begum Ra’ana served as Pakistan’s ambassador to the Netherlands in the 1950s and as ambassador to Italy in the 1960s. She was the first woman Governor of Sindh province in the mid-1970s and the first Muslim woman delegate to the UN who also won the United Nations Human Rights Award. Himani Shivpuri Filed in : Art, Cinema, Theatre The renowned theatre artist and film star Himani Shivpuri was born on 24th October 1957. She grew up in Dehradun where her father Hari Dutt Bhatt ‘Shailesh’ was a Hindi teacher and house master in the Doon School. Her ancestral village is Bhatwani in Chamoli district. After her schooling she did her M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry and an acting course in 1984 at NSD. She was always passionate about acting. She got married to actor Gyan Shivpuri, who died in 1995. She acted in plays like Mitro Marzani, Azar ka Khwab, Surya Ki Antim Kiran se Pehli Kiran Tak, Othello, The Cherry Orchard, Silence The Court Is In Session, Yayati, and Antigone. After performing several plays on the state she moved to television serials and then to the films and achieved phenomenal success. Shivpuri made her film debut in 1984 with Ab Ayega Mazaa. She worked in popular films like Hum Aapke Hai Kaun, Hero No.1, Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Pardes, Kabi Khushi Kabhi Gham, Koyala and Umrao Jaan. She also worked in TV Serials namely, Hamrahi, Hasratein, Ek Kahani, Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi, and Kasauti Zindagi Ki. Shivpuri has received several national and international awards including the Shrikant Verma award for her excellent theatre work. She has been honored by several literary, cultural and social organizations. She has visited her native village several times and has particular attachment for Uttarakhand. She feels much concerned about preserving and projecting Garhwali culture and arts. Rani Karnawati ‘Nak-Kati-Rani’ Filed in : Heroic, Historic Rani Karnavati was the wife of Mahipat Shah, the king of Garhwal, who ascended to the throne in 1622 and died young in 1631. After his death the queen, Rani Karnavati, ruled the kingdom on behalf of her young son, Prithvipat Shah. She distinguished herself as a great warrior queen, and fought against the Mughals in 1640. She defeated their troops and had the habit of cutting the noses of the invaders for which she earned the nickname ‘Nak-Kati-Rani’. Monuments erected by her still exist in Dehradun at Nawad. She is also credited with the construction of the Rajpur Canal, the earliest of all the Doon canals, which started from the Rispana River and brought its waters to the city of Dehradun.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
If students were robots they might at least not need ‘rest'. They would continue to work on a novel for days together, learn lessons of mathematics without Intervening subconscious processing of thoughts. The efficiency and effectiveness would have been uninterrupted. But students need rest, enjoyment, and change of routine. Therefore we cannot easily ignore importance of holiday, which has all the three ingredients. It alleviates anxiety of workload , takes away from hectic environment of office. Holiday is a ‘proper feed' of mind, gives it proper resting place', and timeout'.Plot for a great story Is discovered to us during our ‘Idle hours'. It underpins importance of rest and enjoyment for efficient working. A sage has wisely said, †the time that we enjoy wasting, is not wasted. †This is keeping in view the importance of enjoyment and leisurely hours in our life. A holiday is a time for celebration. It can be celebrated in a variety of ways. Student s go out for a short trip to various historical places to meet different people, enjoy their cuisine, listen to their folk songs, and legendary tales. Or they may vlslt new institutes, engage in seminars, and discussions and enrich their experiences.Besides that people enjoy playing games, joining health clubs, reading stories, learning new languages and skills going out for dinner with friends and families, watching movies and documentaries. some people get plenty of sleep thinking of rest instead of any work at all. To sum up. I can say that doing a part-time Job does students good. They can get more experience for future job, practice the lesson got from classes and grow up. For the reasons I have mentioned, I am going to seek a job for my self and do it with all my best to grow out of my own ebullient thought and action. Tuition If students were robots they might at least not need ‘rest'. They would continue to work on a novel for days together, learn lessons of mathematics without Intervening subconscious processing of thoughts. The efficiency and effectiveness would have been uninterrupted. But students need rest, enjoyment, and change of routine. Therefore we cannot easily ignore importance of holiday, which has all the three ingredients. It alleviates anxiety of workload , takes away from hectic environment of office. Holiday is a ‘proper feed' of mind, gives it proper resting place', and timeout'.Plot for a great story Is discovered to us during our ‘Idle hours'. It underpins importance of rest and enjoyment for efficient working. A sage has wisely said, †the time that we enjoy wasting, is not wasted. †This is keeping in view the importance of enjoyment and leisurely hours in our life. A holiday is a time for celebration. It can be celebrated in a variety of ways. Student s go out for a short trip to various historical places to meet different people, enjoy their cuisine, listen to their folk songs, and legendary tales. Or they may vlslt new institutes, engage in seminars, and discussions and enrich their experiences.Besides that people enjoy playing games, joining health clubs, reading stories, learning new languages and skills going out for dinner with friends and families, watching movies and documentaries. some people get plenty of sleep thinking of rest instead of any work at all. To sum up. I can say that doing a part-time Job does students good. They can get more experience for future job, practice the lesson got from classes and grow up. For the reasons I have mentioned, I am going to seek a job for my self and do it with all my best to grow out of my own ebullient thought and action.
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