Thursday, August 27, 2020
The African Lion Essays - Lions, Leopard, Panthera, The Lion King
The African Lion The lion is known as lord of the wilderness due to its immense size and brutal appearance, the most widely recognized kind of lion is the African lion. The African lion has the family species Panthera (jaguar, panther) leo (lion). Panthera leo has the normal name lion and originates from the felidae family. Panthera leo is in the mammali class and has the request carnivora(Bush Gardens, 1996). Lions live in sub-Saharan Africa in meadows and semi-bone-dry fields in prides which is a gathering of lions that live in a similar territory and offer chasing duties(Bush Gardens,1996). Lions are the main genuinely social feline species, generally a pride comprises of two guys, seven females, and any measure of fledglings. The lionesses are generally sisters or cousins that have all been together since birth. The normal develop male stands four feet at the shoulder, says something around 450 pounds and is around eight and a half feet long in addition to his tail. The female then again is impressively littler and tips the scales at a normal of 300 pounds. Lions for the most part have a light or dim earthy colored plain perfect coat, white covered lions are once in a while found in southern Africa however they are false pale skinned people (African Savannah). The male lion arrives at sexual development at five years old years and the lioness-which is the female lion, arrives at its sexual development at four years old. Lionesses in a pride for the most part enter rearing season together and later conceive an offspring simultaneously which permits the lionesses to share nursing and other maternal obligations. The lioness is pregnant somewhere in the range of 98 and 105 days until it brings forth a normal of 3 whelps, lamentably just one of those fledglings will endure the principal year of life because of the cruel conditions in their natural surroundings (Bush Gardens, 1996). During childbirth the whelps are visually impaired and move moderate. The whelps weigh under five pounds (Wild Animals) and are set apart with spots which in some cases remain on their legs and tummy until they are completely developed. (African Savannah). At the point when the whelps arrive at five months old enough, they gauge a normal of fifty pounds yet they despite everything act energetic like a cat. By and large, when the whelp arrives at nine months old enough, their spots vanish. At the point when the fledglings go to the age of 18 months, the mother instructs them to chase (Comptons 1993, 1994). The male lions have an earthy colored mane which becomes darker and more full as the lion ages (African Savannah) and at three years old the mane gradually begins to appear. The normal lion in the wild that lives past the age of one lives somewhere in the range of 15 and 18 years and arrives at its prime or time it is the most grounded at eight years old (African Savannah). Lions eat a wide range of prey and for the most part chase at night(Comptons,1993, 1994-African Savannah). They like to eat wildebeast more than everything else, sadly they can possibly do so when movement brings the crowds through the prides run. When the wildebeast crowds are not moving they eat bison, zebra, gazelle, giraffe, and warthogs (African Savannah). At the point when prey cannot be gotten, lions will take food from different creatures for the most part from the hyenas. In the event that positively no food can be discovered, lions should go to a final retreat of eating snakes, termites, peanuts, organic products, and even bad wood (Wild Animals). Albeit just one out of four chasing occasions is fruitful, prevailing guys consistently eat first, lionesses next, and the fledglings are compelled to battle for scraps and extras (Bush Gardens, 1996). Because of the reality the lion is idle up to twenty-one hours per day and does all their chasing around evening time, they must have the option to see around evening time (Bush Gardens, 1996). The size of lions eyes are greater than people and lions just need one 6th of the measure of light people should have the option to see (Garman, 1997). Lions additionally have numerous other unique qualities that assist them with chasing and endure, some are recorded beneath. The grown-up lions thunder can be crowd up to five miles away, this can be an admonition that there is interlopers or it can help control wandered
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Philosophy of Teaching Statement :: Education Teachers Careers Essays
Reasoning of Teaching Statement Training is probably the best calling to wander into. I accept an instructor ought to be a good example, ought to have confidence in their understudies, and attempt to help their understudies in any capacity they can. I feel that an educator is one of the most notable individuals in a kid's life. An educator is somebody who cherishes and thinks about her understudies. There are various natures of understudies. The main sorts of understudies are the ones who appreciate going to class and learning. These understudies are the most pleasurable to educate on the grounds that they are happy to learn and it is extremely simple to manage them. The second kind of understudies are the ones who need to learn, however may not comprehend the ideas of the subjects you educate. I feel that on the off chance that you can arrive at these understudies you have truly contacted a youngster's life. The third sort of understudy is the sort that couldn't care less on the off chance that they learn or not. My heart hurts when I witness this. An educator should attempt to help this sort of understudy as much as could reasonably be expected. The explanation these understudies would prefer not to learn might be on the grounds that they are making a weep for help. The motivation behind government funded training is to give a kid a superior future. Without normal information individuals couldn't work in the present society. For what reason is training significant? One marvels when they are in school why they should become familiar with a portion of the materials that they do. The motivation behind why we should learn is to remain in front of others. On the off chance that we don't learn, at that point we should abandon being as savvy as or more intelligent than others. As a nation we must stay aware of different nations, or we will see the death of our country. As an educator I plan to achieve numerous things. An educator is an individual who should contact lives. In the event that I can contact an individual's life in some specific manner it will have any kind of effect in my life.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Holding an Executive Board Position
Holding an Executive Board Position With over 1,800 registered student organizations at Illinois, youre bound to find a group that you enjoy being in. The opportunities are endlessâ€"you can try a new sport, build robots, or even just watch squirrels. Whatever you end up doing, theres a chance that youll find a group that youre passionate about. You might find yourself wanting to make significant contributions to your organization and to be more than a general member. If so, you should definitely consider running for a leadership position! At the end of my first semester at Illinois, I found myself in this exact position. I joined a social fraternity, and decided I wanted to contribute to the group. This past year, I served as one of our philanthropy chairmenâ€"my job was to set up fundraiser events and liaise with other Greek Life organizations to raise money for various charities. I definitely recommend joining the executive board of a group youre passionate aboutâ€"here are a couple reasons why. You gain valuable leadership skills. There are several leadership skills that are very valuable qualities to possessâ€"youll work better in groups and be more desirable to employers. Holding an executive board position is a great way to pick up hands-on experience with these skills. As a member of your RSOs executive board, you will be responsible for more than just yourself. Your actions dictate the success and well-being of your organization and the people in it. I personally found that responsibility for others was the hardest part of my jobâ€"youll be under a lot of pressure. However, I have become a more reliable person as a result. Youll also learn how to communicate with others well. When I set up a dinner to raise funds for a charity, I found that it was vital to talk to everyone to ensure that the event would run smoothly. Its nearly impossible to do everything by yourselfâ€"delegating tasks and communicating with others is the best way to get things done efficiently. You build and form connections. Part of my job as the philanthropy chair was to work with other organizations to send teams or people to their events. As a result, Ive met a lot of people and made a lot of connections. I organized for a team to go to a sororitys philanthropy event last semester. Image Credit: Nathaniel Song. However, keep in mind that the connections you will make will depend on the position you hold. I met mostly other philanthropy chairs and students, and this was fine with meâ€"I wasnt looking for much else. If you want to make connections that will help after college, a position like alumni relations will be more helpful. What you will contribute to your organization isnt the only thing you should consider when working on an executive boardâ€" think about what YOU will get out of it too! It teaches you how to manage your time well. Its helpful to have the mentality that an executive board position is like a 3-credit-hour class. Although fulfilling, being a good leader in your organization is a time-consuming role. Coursework is always my priority, so I force myself to do all my homework before I start on anything else I need to do. Having responsibilities outside the classroom gives me less time to procrastinate and adds structure to my daily schedules. Additionally, having a leadership position teaches you how to not bite off more than you can chew. All your responsibilities as a leader in your organization are time-consuming, but some might be too much to possibly handle. Theres a fine line between doing your best and being overambitiousâ€"being a leader will teach you where to draw it. Your first position prepares you for bigger roles. As a freshman, your chances of becoming president are very, very slim. There are students who are older than you and who have more experience than you. Becoming the philanthropy chair was not my first choiceâ€"I initially ran for the position of recruitment chair, but two older students were selected over me. However, this doesnt mean you shouldnt try at all. Although a minor position, being the philanthropy chairman taught me a lot of important lessons. I know how the executive board functions. I proved myself to be a reliable person. Your performance and dedication in your first year is vital, especially if you plan on running for a bigger role. Take whatever you can getâ€"some experience is better than no experience. I loved serving as the philanthropy chair of my fraternity. I got to contribute to an organization I care about, and picked up a lot of skills along the way. Holding an executive board position in an organization is challenging, but fulfillingâ€"if youve got the time, do it! Franklin Class of 2022 I grew up in Hong Kong, China, and I’ve come across the world to Illinois to major in Astronomy in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. I’ve always thought outer space is super cool, and I love that I’m learning everything that I can about it at Illinois.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Impact Of Sensory Processing Disorder On Development...
Introduction The human life span is from conception to death and can be divided into eight different developmental periods. This essay will focus on the early childhood period that ranges from two to five or six years of age. Firstly, this essay will describe the typical developmental milestones during early childhood and how they play an important role in each developmental stage that follows. Secondly, it will analyse how the home and educational environments influence early childhood. Finally, it will define Auditory Processing Disorder and the characteristics of a child with this condition. This essay will demonstrate the significant impact Auditory Processing Disorder can have significant effects on development and in the future. Early childhood is one of the most critical developmental periods in a human’s lifespan. The child transitions from infancy and begins the essential changes needed before the next developmental period begins, middle childhood which begins at six years of age. Development refers to â€Å"the orderly patterns of change, as well as continuities that occur in an individual through their life span†(text, p3). Human development is determined by both genes and environmental influences or nature and nurture. Nature refers to heredity which is the passing of traits from parents to their children and maturation which is the changes biologically programmed by genes (text, p7). Nurture refers to the changes that occur due to the individual’s environmentShow MoreRelatedSensory Processing Disorder: Facts and Solutions1343 Words  | 5 PagesFood aversion is just one area where Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) can present itself. The purpose of this paper is to give a comprehensive view to parents and caregivers who may have a child going undiagnosed with characteristics beyond the common parameters. It is also designed to answer the question, â€Å"Is SPD a real diagnosis or the latest branding for child behavior development?†Although some dismiss the behaviors as being average child development, many intuitive parents are exhaustedRead MoreThe Transactional Model Is Introduced By Arnold Sameroff979 Words  | 4 Pageshow family and community factors impact the development of children, especially those at risk for mental illness or educational failure†and he authors numerous research articles as well as having a handful of books (, 2014). This model helps individuals understand the process of development. This model is best known as taking three parts, the parent, the child, and the environment, and describing how the three interact and affect child development (, 2014). There areRead MoreA Critical Reflection on Information Processing Theories of Trauma Response1613 Words  | 7 Pagestheories that focus on information processing have been the most influential theories of trauma in terms of generating testable hypotheses and directing current treatments (Salmon Bryant, 2002). For this reason, we will attempt to critically evaluate this area of trauma theory with reference to other popular theories, the research evidence, clinical practice and developmental factors. Information Processing Theories of Trauma Response Information-processing models relating to trauma are basedRead MoreThe Effects Of Occupational Therapy On An Illness1145 Words  | 5 Pagesautism/pervasive developmental disorders, sensory processing disorders, and mental health or behavioral problems. (Occupational Therapy.) Occupational therapy is offered to children and adults. For children, they play a role in creating activities that enable the child to learn and develop life skills, be creative, derive enjoyment, and learn how to be independent. Some therapist may recommend interventions based on the child’s typical development and the impact of disability, illness, and impairmentRead MoreAuditory Processing Disorder ( Adhd )928 Words  | 4 PagesAuditory Processing Disorder affects many children. It affects the way incoming sounds and speech are perceived and processed. Many times Auditory Processing Disorder goes undiagnosed and misdiagnosed as other disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). These Children will also be perceived as unintelligent. A majority of the time these children are of normal intelligence, but due to the difficulties they experience with hearing they are perceived as unintelligent. 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The brain controls every aspect of our daily lives. This includes breathing, think ing, processing, and calculating final outcomes. â€Å"Gall proposed that the brain is the seat of the mind, that the mind is composed of distinctRead MoreSensory Processing Disorder (Spd)1941 Words  | 8 PagesSensory Processing Disorder Awareness Since October is National Sensory Awareness month I chose to write my research paper on a topic dear to my heart. Sensory processing (sometimes called sensory integration or SI) is a term that refers to the way the nervous system receives messages from the senses and turns them into appropriate motor and behavioral responses. 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Those affected by sensory system disorders are usually oversensitive to stimuli in their environment. In the case of Bernie, he portrays hypersensitivity to sound and visual stimulate secondary to Sensory System Disorder. One theory that exemplifies Bernie’s language development is known as the Cognitive Connectionism Theory. This theory
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Strength of Social Networking Sites Essay - 1476 Words
Communicating in today’s society has become a lot easier with social networking sites allowing us to communicate with people through technological devices. Facebook, being one of many social networking sites, allows people to connect with friends and family in our surroundings and across the seas. Originally, Facebook was started in a Harvard dorm room in 2003 by one of its students, Mark Zuckerburg. It began as a social network for Harvard students and then quickly expanded to universities across America. Facebook, as we know it today, started in the year 2004. On September 26, 2006, Facebook became available to everyone age 13 and older with a valid email address. Most participants log on at least once a day. Personally, I long on at†¦show more content†¦Facebook enables its users to present themselves in an online profile, accumulate ‘‘friends’’ who can post comments on each other’s pages, and view each other’s profiles (Elli son, 2007). Individuals can write on the wall of friends, send private message, comment on posts, as well as chat via instant messaging. Much of the early research on online communities assumed that individuals using these systems would be connecting with others outside their pre-existing social group or location, liberating them to form communities around shared interests, as opposed to shared geography (Ellison, 2007). Psychosocial implications of social networking The use of Facebook can have both positive and negative effects on the individual. Facebook helps people stay in touch. It is especially useful for people who live far apart and is also convenient for people who live a busy life and isn’t afforded the time to get together in person. However, online communication is growing to be a substitute for real life interaction. Given the popularity of these sites and their importance in young people’s lives to facilitate communication and relationships, it is important to understand the factors influencing SNS use, especially at higher levels, and to identify those who may be prone to developing addictive tendencies toward new communication technologies (Wilson, 2010). Facebook hasShow MoreRelatedSocial Networking Sites: Popular But Not Profitable965 Words  | 4 Pagesusing a prosperous social networking site, since there are none. There are many, even dozens, of highly popular social networking sites that have large user bas es and high levels of traffic. Havenstein (2007) notes that even social networking sites with massive user bases have had difficulty driving advertising revenue. There are a number of roadblocks and excuses that companies use for avoiding social networking, but ultimately the decision is economic. 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Digital technology allowed leaders to interact with voters, transforming the campaigning totally into a new levelRead MoreThe Impact Of Social Media On Domestic And International Markets1210 Words  | 5 PagesIndustry Overview: Social Media is defined as, â€Å"forms of electronic through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content.†Today, approximately 800 platforms are used by more than 3 billion active users; of which 45% have a social media accounts. In spite of numerous mergers and acquisitions, the numbers of sites are expected to increase in the near future, as new technology and devices present growth opportunities in the domestic and internationalRead MoreForms and Classification of Online Business1729 Words  | 7 Pageslicensing procedures, and other government-related operations Consumer-to-consumer is e-commerce between private individuals with their fellow consumers. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Continuing The Greater Co Prosperity Sphere Through Oil...
Continuing the Greater Co-Prosperity Sphere Through Oil Independence 1. Addressing the Problem: Due to the Japanese presence in China during the late 1930s and early 1940s, the United States embargoed oil exports to Japan as a punishment for interfering with the open trade policy in China. This embargo was detrimental to the Japanese supply because Japan depended on the US for 80% of its imported oil. The Japanese also had no significant natural sources of oil in its possession. Therefore, the oil problem became a crisis as military demands quickly drained Japanese stockpiles. The Japanese needed to find oil to support its larger dream of establishing the Greater Co-Prosperity Sphere (GCPS). The reference point of the Japanese decision†¦show more content†¦Nonetheless, Japanese leadership overwhelmingly agreed that the first choice was incompatible with GCPS and was therefore not a choice to consider. 2. The Alternative Approach: A more effective approach would have been to appease the Americans in the short-term, while additionally searching for and quickly mobilizing other sources of oil in order to reduce dependence on the US. This two-step approach would have been more effective in pursuing the Japanese’s GCPS because the short-term setback would have allowed for the long-term survival of Japan’s plan to become a regional great power. By taking the admittedly high-risk route of attacking Pearl Harbor, the Japanese significantly constricted the GCPS’s chances of survival. In order to obtain vital amounts of oil for the continuation of Japanese military power, appeasing the Americans by letting go of China for the time being would have allowed the GCPS to survive another day and to continue once the country had obtained its own independent source of oil. a. Appeasing the Americans and Receiving Oil Diplomatically The appeasement of the Americans would have been feasible with some flexibility and long-term thinking. Appeasement of the Americans would have required the Japanese to â€Å"abandon all, or at least half, of China,†according to Matsuoka Yosuke, an aggressive pro-expansionist advisor who was the leading advocate for theShow MoreRelatedAmerican Foreign Policy During the Interwar Period. in This Essay, One Should Address the Following:2094 Words  | 9 Pagesthe Second World War and the American response to this war. 3. The reasons for US entry into the Second World War. Early on American foreign policy was shaped by President Wilson’s rejection of internationalism following WWI. Also the continuing quest for economic expansion by American business. President Harding had dismissed America’s role in the League of Nations and refused the Treaty of Versailles. Afterwards Presidents Harding and Coolidge who both didn’t have any expertiseRead MoreGlobalization and Its Impact on Malaysia13672 Words  | 55 Pagesorganizations are the World Trade Organization and the World Economic Forum. The World Trade Organization is a pan-governmental entity(which currently has 144 members) that was set up to formulate a set of rules to govern global trade and capital flows through the process of member consensus, and to supervise their member countries to ensure that the rules are being followed. The World Economic Forum, private foundation, does not have decision-making power but enjoys a great deal of importance since itRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagesexport economy. 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Marketing isRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words  | 846 Pagesas well as being a constant source of creative thinking in the management accounting field. Michael has also contributed in a number of different institutional arenas: the academic, of course, but also those of the profession and the wider public sphere. Ever helpful to regulators, the senior civil service, and international agencies, Michael Bromwich is respected for the ways in which he can combine conceptual understandings with pragmatic insights. He has been sought out to provide that extra elementRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words  | 658 Pagesof how business and public sector organisations are managing strategic issues. 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Continuing with the example of software, once a successful software development has been created, the cost of volume production is almost nothing, and a company can maintain its market dominance until it is challenged not by economies of scale but by beingRea d MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words  | 1351 Pagesoffered in the eighteen chapters which follow. The structure of the book is designed to take the reader through each of the questions in turn. The sequencing of the chapters is therefore significant. We have sought to build the book’s argument in a cumulative way such that it will provide guidance in generating effective marketing performance within a strategic framework – once the reader has worked through each chapter in turn. Against this background we can specify the book’s aims as being: âž ¡ To makeRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pages250 Examples of Employee Involvement Programs 251 †¢ Linking Employee Involvement Programs and Motivation Theories 252 Using Rewards to Motivate Employees 252 What to Pay: Establishing a Pay Structure 252 †¢ How to Pay: Rewarding Individua l Employees Through Variable-Pay Programs 253 †¢ Flexible xii CONTENTS Benefits: Developing a Benefits Package 257 †¢ Intrinsic Rewards: Employee Recognition Programs 259 Summary and Implications for Managers 261 S A L Self-Assessment Library What’s
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Ethics and Morality free essay sample
Marian Agbabokha Walden University Last weeks foundation course, exposed me to a lot of issues regarding my profession as an election officer, it gave me food for thought. As a scholar and student of public policy and administration, what kind of responsibilities will this course place in my care, based on the information I would have gathered and assimilated, that I would have to pass on to those in my work place who would be the first people to notice something different in me as I go through this course. My conviction with regards, to issues of election policies, Justification and immediate implementation of dministrative processes, ensuring, the ethics of free, fair and credible elections are implemented and the bottle necks of administrative bureaucracy reduced, if not totally removed, is the question I ask myself but you are one person how do you effectively make a distinct difference in your environment. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics and Morality or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I am hoping that by the end of this program and with the help of all I will come in contact with at Walden University, I would have found answer to questions as they unfold. John Waliggo says by definition, ethics is a Greek word ethos meaning character while Morality derives from the Latin word Mos , plural Mores which mean customs r peoples values and traditions, people heritage or ways of life and conduct in a given community. Moral values vary from community to community and from time to time. Among people who share a common heritage or have similar cultures or religious beliefs, some of these values cut across sections of the various communities. Amanda Baker in Fundamental concepts says that morals form ethical principles, and they are defined by the individual. She says that ethics are similar to law but are not laws; it has to do with making your own choice and doing that which is right, like n election officer, morals have a major role to play in this work environment. Election officers are saddled with the choice of right and wrong during elections, here their morals come into play as they are in the field and not monitored by any one. In a work environment based on her analysis, I would say that ethics, forms the ground playing rules for the staff, the morals of the staff in this case is based on personal conviction, be it right or wrong. The term Morality can be used descriptively to refer to some code of conduct put forward by a society or normatively to refer to a code hat, given specific conditions would be put forward by all rational persons. This means that there is a world of difference between ethics and morality. Moral formation in Africa is given to children right From the tender age in order to acquire the habits, attitudes, beliefs, skills and motives that enable a human being fit into the community. Each and every aspect of life contributes to the moral formation of an individual. An individual lived in and was part ot the community and it was everyones duty to uphold the communitys values. Morality was and still is part and parcel of the community. The study of ethics, in my opinion, is a search by human beings on how the quality of our lives can be improved. The basis for ethics should be morals and not the other way round. Aristotle aligns with Plato and Socrates in saying that virtues are the core to a well-lived life. Aristotle says that ethical virtues like courage, Justice are complex in nature and he rejects Platos idea that training in metaphysics is the basis for understanding the goodness of man. In his opinion what man needs to be able to live a fulfilled life is an appreciation of the way virtue honor, pleasure and wealth fit ogether. He says that practical wisdom cannot be acquired only by learning general rules that there is a need for practice and the need for the use of deliberate social skills for our daily use. Ethics are the rules of conduct that we recognize with regards to certain types of actions, this is how things are done according to the rules as laid down by the people. The ethics of the election environment calls for free, fair and credible elections. The question is, do the stakeholders have the right morals to up hold the ethics of elections as agreed by all according to the laws of the land. While morals are habits with respect to right or wrong conduct. Ethics have to do with what the society say are the rules of the game, while morals is looked upon from a personal level. Morals have to do with the beliefs and habits with respect to what is right or wrong of a person, but ethics carves its definition from what others say it is. The practicability of merging the theories we come across with everyday life is another challenge, as each of our environment is different, the sensibility of the people, their beliefs and their aspirations differ, how do we effectively merge, what e read, which invariably is who we are, with what we meet in the field on a daily basis, and uphold the law is the crux of the matter.
Monday, April 6, 2020
Meursault in “The Stranger†by Albert Camus Essay Essay Example
Meursault in â€Å"The Stranger†by Albert Camus Essay Paper Life is fantastic. but besides hard. We struggle to happen the significance in our lives. but we can non carry through it. There are many sorts of ideas or doctrines of life ; some think that life is already determined by God or destiny when they were born. while others think that they decide what they do by themselves. In â€Å"the stranger†. Albert Camus creates Meursault as a supporter. who does non believe about anything profoundly. Because of that. he can non truly bask his life. However. eventually. he thinks about his life when he faces decease ; he genuinely realized how to confront to the absurd universe. and therefore becomes Camus’ perfect experiential hero. We will write a custom essay sample on Meursault in â€Å"The Stranger†by Albert Camus Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Meursault in â€Å"The Stranger†by Albert Camus Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Meursault in â€Å"The Stranger†by Albert Camus Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Meursault is apathetic. and he thinks he absolutely enjoys each minute ; nevertheless. the world is he merely wastes clip and does non even know that. Meursault thinks that emotion is pathetic because people are controlled by it. and repent or experiencing sorry is a waste of clip. Therefore. even when he faces his mother’s decease. he does non experience anything. He does non hold involvement in his mother’s decease. so he does non even cognize when his female parent died. â€Å"Maman died today. Or yesterday possibly. I don’t know†( 3 ) . Normally. one’s mother’s decease important and people think about their lives through her decease. Even though it is non his. and he knows that he can non happen it. he should believe about what his life means from the relationship between decease and life. However. it is possible that he does non care about it excessively much because he can non make anything in her decease. but he does non care about his matrimony. excessively. He has a girlfriend. named Marie. and when she asked him to acquire married with her. he was still apathetic. â€Å"Then she pointed out that matrimony was a serious thing. I said ‘No†( 42 ) . He dos non cognize what is of import in life. It is non because he has different sense of values but because he does non care about anything earnestly. He has non had a large job in his manner. but his manner to populate is now job. When he takes Arab’s life off. he does non truly recognize what he did. Even when he was in the constabulary station. he does non understand what he did. therefore. †degree Celsius I was even traveling to agitate his manus. but I remembered that I had killed a man†( 64 ) . He treats everything as a fact. so he does non truly hold an emotion. He thinks it is the manner to bask his life. but it makes his life more meaningless. He does non believe profoundly. Besides. he thinks decease is decease. so there is no hereafter after decease. Then. he shot the Arab four times more. but he does non cognize what it means. â€Å"Then I fired four more times at the motionless organic structure where the slugs lodged without go forthing a hint. And it was like strike harding four speedy times on the door of unhappiness†( 59 ) . He does non experience good about hiting four more times. but it is non deserving decease at all. Taking human life is same as strike harding the door of sadness for him ; his manner to populate. which is without emotion makes his life atrocious subsequently. but at this clip. he does non understand anything. Life without emotion is easy because an emotion does non do sense. so he can do sense with everything in his life. However. it besides makes his life colorless. Because he is different from others. the society beats him ; the universe does non assist him. so he now has to make significance in his life by himself. When he is on test. he testifies candidly because he ever follows his bosom and does what he wants ; nevertheless. it does non suit the society. so people judge him from their subjective justness. @ @ When he candidly testifies about why he killed Arab. people did non listen earnestly. †curie blurted out that it was because of the Sun. Peoples laughed†( 103 ) . Peoples do non understand him. and so they do non handle him as usual. They beat the alien ; there is cipher to assist him. Furthermore. they think they are right. so people rid from the society and do him look worse. The prosecuting officer does non desire Meursault to populate in the society. which the prosecuting officer lives and to hold the same human bosom. â€Å"He stated that I had no topographic point in a society whose most cardinal regulations I igno red and that I could non appeal to the same human bosom whose simple response I knew nil of†( 102 ) . He denies Meursault’s human right. He should be in problem. but in the test. there are merely people who think they are normal and right. so they are the same as him. Therefore. they do non detect that the prosecuting officer is incorrect. Their personality is atrocious because there is no exclusion. Meursault thinks about this judgement and the â€Å"machinery of justice†( 108 ) . It is precisely right. They follow their ain common sense. and treat him as a alien. The effect is a decease punishment. However. ironically. this state of affairs. which makes him confront decease and being cognizant that cipher helps him. makes him believe about his life and notice that he has to happen it by himself. Right before his decease. he realized the significance in life. Peoples do non cognize why they are populating. but they laugh at him because they think he is stupid and better than him ; nevertheless. ironically. he understands his life. When he accepts the absurd universe. he can make significance of his life ; there is no hereafter. so he has to believe about every individual minute carefully and bask it. Ironically. he does non hold clip any more. However. he thinks. â€Å"I had been happy and that I was happy again†( 123 ) . Actually. he enjoys his life because he did non cognize that he has lived indifferently. His life is difficult for ordinary people to understand. but for him. it wholly makes sense. Furthermore. he understands everything now. so he feels felicity once more. Besides. he feels a sense of high quality because he knows that people who look down on him do non cognize. There are many thought about universe. and he wants to see the absurd universe. and demo them his manner to populate. â€Å"I had merely to wish that at that place be a big crowd of witnesss the twenty-four hours of my executing and that they greet me with calls of hate†( 123 ) . He notices that cipher earnestly cares about him. but still they come to his executing. Playing the game is pathetic for him. but people can non populate without it. Cipher truly has a score against him. but they follow the others. Bing apart from society is chilling and entirely. so normally people can non make that. He besides feels that. so he wanted to decease in the crowd. Besides. he is proud of his life. so he wanted to demo how he lived. Now. he truly enjoys his life. The life is meaningless ; he realizes it when he faces decease. If people know that. they give up everything ; nevertheless. for Meursault. everything makes sense. There is no hint in the universe. so what he can make is making the significance by himself. Life is difficult because cipher helps him. but he decides everything and what he does has significance. He can bask his life to the full. so his life is fantastic. He has to bask his life while he is populating because there is nil after decease. There is no significance in the universe. so he creates it. Everything is to be happy.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Gender stereotype Essays
Gender stereotype Essays Gender stereotype Essay Gender stereotype Essay Gender Stereotypes in a Commercial An advertisements intended use might be to sell a product in the grand scheme; however gender stereotypes are often embedded to attract a particular market and indirectly set the social norm. These gender stereotypes are found in commercials, TV shows, music videos and billboards. Men and women are depicted to behave a certain way in society, and have a certain attitude to differentiate genders. This shapes the way men and women should act in society, and creates a targeted end user for a companys product. Marketers exploit gender identities, stemmed from rotational ways of composing oneself to sell products. Targeting a market uses different methods that will attract a female versus a male. For example, pastel colors for a little girls clothes and toys, where as a boys are bold or bright in color. More specifically, a Did Groins pizza commercial was attempting to convince the audience that their bake-at-home frozen pizza was as good as a fresh delivered pizza. : However, when watched closely, this Did Groins commercial expresses women being portrayed as responsible for grocery shopping and cooking, that women are inferior to men, and that all men dictate. Since the beginning of culture, women are often depicted as housewives who do the cooking, shopping and laundry. Historically, chores around the house are gender oriented. Women do the light weight work and nurture the kids, while men do physical, heavy lifting work and take charge. Psychologically, commercials embed these stereotypes, which define how genders should compose themselves in society. In this Did Giorgio advertisement, it is obvious that the woman is viewed in a house setting, as a domestic bringing in the groceries. She is then told by her husband to make a pizza with extra toppings and to make it quick. This gender stereotype proves the label of women having to cook for their husband and family. The point of this commercial, which was trying to sell a home baked pizza Just as good as delivery, left an impression towards women suggesting that you should make what your husband wants, how he wants and when he wants it. When he gets what he wants he will be satisfied and love you. A woman cooking for their husband is understood as trying to make their husband happy, and in return, creating happiness for themselves. The perception about women having to cook and grocery shop is not only a way of this immemorial trying to sell their product, but also to convey that the current restricted gender roles are still the same. Women are widely known as inferior to men, not only in the household but in all settings of society. Whether it is in the workforce, in politics, or religion, women are deemed as inferior to men because of sexual selection. Men prove themselves as physically and intellectually greater than other men when trying to get women, whereas women must be superior sexually. This leads to the conclusion that men are of higher power or value and women should be overlooked. Traditionally, this culture we are raised in does not see a point in women that she hates when he dictates to her, but reluctantly takes his command and makes the pizza. This gives in to the stereotype that women are inferior to men. It comes across as women being passive and taken advantage of. The thought of women being a lesser human being and more unreliable than men is disrespectful. Women should have a right to equality between gender roles, without the needed acceptance of commercials. Commercials display gender stereotypes that are widely followed, with womens inferiority being the case in this advertisement. While women are considered to be submissive and passive, men are also largely stereotyped. Men are represented to be dominant and strong. Male stereotypes can cause pressure on men who do not fit the label of a male physically and emotionally. In society men are pictured as lazy, that they are doctors, not nurses and have the right as husbands, to tell their wives what to do. As seen in the Did Giorgio commercial, the husband is depicted in a social setting, watching television with his friends. The husband, trying to impress his friends, ordered that his wife make a pizza the way he wanted it, in a Emily manner. The husband was essentially dictating his wife, from naturally having a leadership role. Men are known to dictate in the work force or house environment because women tend to lean on them for assertiveness. However the stereotype that men dictate, particularly women, is not always true. Because of situations they are put in, for instance in decision making, marriage or outside affairs leads to believe this is how all men act. Gender stereotypes lead to believe that all men should dictate in society, and have the right to. The commercial which is viewed by millions, encourages men to continue to act that way without hesitation. Advertising relies on stereotypes to sell their product, while simultaneously defining gender. Because so many people watch commercials, television, or ads, they have the power to influence society stereotypes. The Did Giorgio commercial confirmed that men still desire for the dictator role in a relationship, while females continue to insist on equal rights. Granted, females have Just as many rights as males do today, but equality is something constantly being striver for in the twenty first century. Commercials are a way of making us believe what we are watching, which sells their product, but also psychologically tells us how we should act in a traditional culture. The traditional culture has always been looked upon, and never really been challenged of its standards. It is hard when the public norm does not acknowledge males as nurses or females as presidents because of gender stereotypes portrayed in commercials. Gender is only a part of which people are; it does not define them or their limits. Advertisements contribute to our perception of cultural identity, gender identity and gender roles, but perception is not reality.
Friday, February 21, 2020
Project Management and its usage in cost and time mitigation Dissertation
Project Management and its usage in cost and time mitigation - Dissertation Example This research will begin with the statement that the construction industry is generally recognized as a vast, complex and diverse sector. It’s further complicated by the huge number of employees working for this sector. The sector suffers from noticeable differences in the areas of internal organizational structure, training and development techniques and various government policies running this industry across the globe. An estimated number of 35000 employers exist in the present construction sector and the number of employees stands near 330120. The industry showcases some unique traits that are different from other sectors, which includes †¢ Large size of the networks used within the industry- It is an important sector of the economy which produces buildings, roads, bridges, airports etc. which in turn are used for further business purposes by the economy. Again, the end product of various other firms like cement, stone, steel, wood etc. are used by the construction sector for delivering its ultimate product. Therefore, this sector has a link with each and every sector of the economy and the networks it maintains are wide and complicated. †¢ Government as a customer- In most of the countries, the government acts as the direct client of the construction sector and assigns them with projects for various urban and rural development programs. In countries like Singapore 87% of the citizens live at public residence where the government plays a vital role in developing housing projects. Expensive products- The construction sector is characterized by the production of expensive goods which are not possible to purchase without preplanning. Generally people spend almost all their saving in purchasing their dream house or setting up their own business. For this purpose, this sector has close relationship with the financial industry. Nowadays, the Real Estate firms are tying up with banks and other financial institutions to provide easy access to loans and other benefits to their customers. Immobility of the products- It is the unique feature of this sector that it produces goods which are fixed to the land. This feature limits its chances for export and showing the customer a pre-fabrication sample. When the project is started, it’s impossible for the firm to change or modify the work process in the midterm. Labor Intensive- This industry
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Second Language Acquisition Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6500 words
Second Language Acquisition - Case Study Example Contemporary attitudes towards English learning in Cyprus is divided into two - the early Cypriots who were educated during the reign of British rule acknowledged English as a tool to enhance their culture, knowledge and relationships with other countries, and those who in this era consider English to access resources around the world. The new generation of English learners hold a more positive attitude toward second language acquisition (SLA) and consider it as a tool to 'globalisation'. Cypriot learners of new generation are positive to grasp English language (EL) concepts while at the same time many teachers have noticed that they have fear of public speaking, however once they get over their fears; they will enjoy engaging in public debates since learners are well aware of the skills they are developing in context of SLA. SLA research suggests that a majority of English non-native speakers in Greek Cyprus are teaching English depending upon their Cypriot language backgrounds, level of education and training, teaching methods, aspirations and career prospects, and the status of English in Cyprus. Many linguists believe that an ideal teacher of English language is a native speaker, since native speakers of a language have a better command of fluent, idiomatically correct language forms, are more knowledgeable about the cultural connotations of a language, and are the intermediaries of the acceptability of any given samples of the language. Such a native speaker fallacy pointed out a number of weaknesses and contradictions when the features attributed to native speakers of a language, and it was discovered that native language features can be instilled through teacher training. The general nature of our research will highlight various communicative language teaching methods in context with SLA but would not be limited to what linguistic researchers view SLA as the process of combining the structural components into their preexisting mental structures. In fact it would be better to say that our research would seek means beyond traditional approaches learning SLA. The specific goals of research would follow a perspective varying from finding the most convenient theory of facilitating the integration of new systemic knowledge to discovering an ideal learner based linguistic system with the help of problem identification. Throughout each chapter we would be discussing various learning methods of SLA in context to the new changes and what made the initial learning methods to be criticised. Chapter 1 highlights the significance of grammar and translation while highlighting on further advancement of methods discussed in previous chapter. Chapter 2 would proceed the learning methods while at the same time mentioning theories of language acquisition in the light of its pros and cons. Chapter 3 discusses the significance of silence language learning techniques while chapter 4 discusses how new methods of language acquisition to teachers have brought challenges to the preexisting teaching methods. Learning or teaching a second language allows the learner to build a more comprehensive model of second language learning and this is done by creating a set of principles that are easily applied in the environment of classroom interaction practices. However in the case of Cypriot learners, it would be wrong to say that Greek Cypriot language would be helpful in communicating, it would not provide the learners with a new
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Types of Communication Barriers
Types of Communication Barriers Communication is the process of transferring information and meaning between senders and receivers using one or more written, oral, visual or electronic channels. The essence of communication is sharing-providing data, information and insights in an exchange that benefits both you and the people whom you are communicating (Bovee and Thill, Excellence in Business Communication, Ninth Edition, 2011). Effective communication helps businesses in numerous ways. These benefits include: Stronger decision making based on reliable, timely information. Faster problem solving- less time is spent on understanding problems and more time is spent on creating solutions. Communication barriers can interfere with or block the message you are trying to send. Managers should: Recognise the barriers to communication which prevent messages being sent and received successfully Develop communication skills to overcome these barriers. Types of communication barriers There are many different factors that can create barriers to effective communication. Language barriers Language barriers occur when people do not speak the same language, or do not have the same level of ability in a language. However, barriers can also occur when people are speaking the same language. Sometimes barriers occur when we use inappropriate levels of language (too formal or informal) or we use jargon or slang which is not understood by one or more of the people communicating. Often the situation in which the conversation is taking place, and whether or not people have prior experience of the matter being discussed, can also contribute to such barriers being formed. Overcoming language barriers Remember that preparation is an important part of communication. Think about: who you are communicating with what their language needs may be. Using visuals (photographs, drawings, diagrams and so on) can help to overcome language barriers as can using appropriate non-verbal communication. Be aware, however, that different situations and different cultures (including workplace cultures) have varying interpretations of non-verbal communication. What is acceptable in one culture may be offensive in another. What is clear to you may not be clear to others: a nod for ‘yes’ may not mean the same thing in another country! See ‘Take care with gestures’ in Section 2 for more examples. The quality of your voice is also important for clear communication. Be sure to speak with appropriate volume for the situation and use clear diction. Listening actively to other people and letting them know that you are listening (nodding, asking questions etc) is an excellent way to overcome language barriers. Conversational bad habits There are many bad habits we can have in conversation: Sometimes we judge the other person by criticising them, calling them names or diagnosing them (for example, ‘you’re stupid’ or ‘you are only saying that because you know you should have spent more time on it’). Another bad habit is sending solutions to the other by threatening, moralising, asking too many questions or advising them. For example, ‘You should apologise.’ ‘If I were you†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢. Another common, but very negative, conversational habit is avoiding the other person’s concerns by changing the subject, offering a ‘logical ‘ argument or reassuring the person, ‘It’ll be ok. The same happened to a friend of mine†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Often people just want you to listen. Prejudging helps no one. People have the right to make mistakes. In the workplace, the important thing is to get the job done and to help each other to do this. Sending solutions may not always be your business and will often not be appreciated. People must make their own decisions. We often reassure the person because we are embarrassed about facing others’ emotions. Cultural awareness Communicating with people of different cultures and backgrounds means becoming aware of the differences in values, beliefs and attitudes that people hold. Empathy is important for overcoming barriers to communication based on culture. Empathy means sensing the feelings and attitudes of others as if we had experienced them personally. There is a common expression that describes how you can develop empathy: ‘You need to walk a mile in another person’s shoes’. There are many techniques involved in creating empathy. We can try: respecting other’s feelings and attitudes using active listening skills encouraging involvement of others by asking questions while respecting personal privacy using open body language and an encouraging vocal tone taking other people’s fears and concerns into consideration. refraining from giving unsolicited advice. not blaming, instead working towards a solution. Environmental barriers Not all barriers to communication are caused by people. There are many environmental factors affecting the effective communication process. Messages can be blocked by environmental factors, such as the physical setting or the situation where communication takes place. Managing environmental factors Here are some points to help you manage environmental factors for effective communication when in teams. Team meeting rooms should be cool but not cold. A warm room makes participants sleepy; a cold room can make them very unhappy! Make sure that the environment is comfortable and secure. People need to feel safe before they will listen or offer suggestions. Check that nothing behind or near the team member will cause distraction (for example, activity seen through an open window or door; a television screen). Turn off your mobile phone when you are communicating with other people. Wait until machinery (or any other distracting noise) is turned off before you even try to communicate. If this is not possible, move to a quieter location. Use accepted format in any written communication (letters, memorandums and reports) and, if it’s important, check with someone beforehand that they can understand it. As a communicator, you need to think about what are the potential and real environmental barriers in your workplace or community Bias, generalisations and stereotyping These behaviours can cause communication barriers. Having these attitudes and not confronting them is not just wrong, it’s bad for business. In the workplace, such attitudes can cost the organisation time and money. Stereotyping occurs when you assume you know something about a person because of their cultural or social background. Your views may come from a bias you may have against a particular behaviour, appearance, possession or even a particular geographical area. An example of generalisation is where you know one person from a particular background and then generalise that all people from that background are the same. Your situation, appearance and behaviour may contribute to other people’s stereotyped views. This could contribute to communication breakdown. Learn to treat everyone as an individual. You will open up the channels for communication and overcome the barriers based on discrimination.
Monday, January 20, 2020
How Much Power And Liberty Did The Constitution Give To ?the People?? E
          How much power and liberty did the constitution give to â€Å"the people?†     The constitution is the document that has framed and shaped the United States from inception. It is the document that is defended by all new presidents and also the document which affords the citizens of the United States freedoms and rights that cannot be removed. In its drafting it shaped the formation of a new country and a new style of governance. It is a ‘bottom up’ as opposed to established ways of government which are ‘top down’. However for all its virtues the Constitution is somewhat ambiguous and there is some debate of the intent of the drafters, did they intend to give as much power or did they intend to give less power to the people?      The Constitution sets out the system, rules and regulations of how the new American government was to work. The constitution was drafted by a small select group of people from the 13 states; they were the people’s representatives for the constitution. However these people were very much part of an emerging elite, the masses weren’t literate nor would they have had a vast understanding of theories of government, all they knew was the old system and monarchical government. Therefore the drafting of the constitution fell to what one could call idealistic gentry, who were very wealthy and well educated perhaps an upper class group of individuals. They may have been acting on behalf of the people but there are numerous examples of blatant self-interest. When assigning powers to congress taxation was obviously a big area, the representatives from the Southern states managed to get exemptions for export duties. Many of the representatives from these souther n states were heavily involved in the Tobacco trade and made a lot of their personal wealth from this trade so it was is in their own direct interest to get exemptions for these things. This is a clear demonstration on how some representatives weren’t wholly representative.      To assess how much power and liberty the constitution gives to the people one obviously must look at the language and the content of the document itself. In article one, section four, it states â€Å"The congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall be o... ... so it is extremely difficult to change. Also in the installation of the Supreme Court as ultimate arbiter can strike down legislation.      In summarising this question it is not what’s in the Constitution that is important it is the application of it that is of greater importance. Many different parties can interpret the Constitution and different people will consider one thing constitutional and others will consider it to be unconstitutional. One should also consider who â€Å"the people†are; the constitution can look after interested parties rather than the citizens it is supposed to protect. The majority can become tyrannical over minorities given the prohibition of alcohol. The ‘founding fathers’ also did not envisage change in societal attitudes George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to name two both had slaves, but now the constitution prohibits the owning of slaves. Liberty in their eyes was not for everybody, and the people cannot be trusted to make the right decisions given the Electoral College. However a genuine attempt was made to protect the rights of the indi vidual and preserve the principle of power in the people and not in one individual
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Business Plan Coffee Shop
Coffee Shop for $ 50-100 thousand MARKET SITUATION Coffee boom that seized America, and then Portugal, has come to us. Is explained by the fact that the growing popularity of refreshing drink in the population, attracts more and more attention to this business. Existing Place of public may be divided into three categories: -Coffee house, so to speak, in its purest form, where the visitor suggest several varieties of coffee. – Coffee house with the addition of the â€Å"kitchen†, which attracts customers not only the coffee menu but also the possibility of a tasty and inexpensive meal.Most of the customers in set meals (lunches) and breakfast. – Coffee Shop – a bookstore, a favorite place of party intellectuals:writers, journalists and inveterate book lovers. Over coffee here it is possible read your favorite book or learn the news of the book market. Should be distinguished from the usual coffee cafe. First, Coffee Shop offers enhanced assortment number co ffee and coffee prepared on the basis of drinks. Second, this place is more democratically and offers a pleasant leisurely conversation.Therefore the future owners of such establishments need to be prepared for the fact that customers will stay long here longer than in a normal cafe. Idea, concept First, you need to pay attention to the development of of the concept the institution. This is the cornerstonewhich in many respects determines the success of coffee. In the interior fast-service places emphasis on of coffee as the primary attribute. Place your bets on impeccable service, delicious cuisine original design dishes offered, unusual interior decoration disciplined waiters and special mood.Visitors have to want to return to the coffeehouse and on. It will be a classic style. How much it costs According to experts, in order to open kofeynyuna 20-30 seats in business need to invest at least $ 50 thousand. Payback period of coffee – 1,5-3 years. Licensing documentation Pack age permits to open a coffee shop and a cafe or restaurant is no different. Need a patent for trading activities, the certificate of registration. On the â€Å"documentary†aspect of the matter will go 3-6 months. Is assumed to replan and renovation of premises.It is necessary make the reconstruction project. It is also necessary have the consent of Division for the improvement, sanitary station and firefighters. ADVERTISEMENT For promotion of coffee would need about a year in which to be active advertising support. Important area adjacent to the institution. Coffee Shop – setting more local value if it does not differ exclusive assortment. LOCATION To estimate the location of the future coffee use the the following criteria. Stream of customers.No one will argue that the center is of the city – the most profitable place for such institutions. A huge number of people who work there, just walking, can provide a comfortable existence no one coffee shop. Characteri stics of the competition. Question should be askedand which facilities are close to the coffee shop of the future? If it intersects the assortment and pricing policies with the majority of potential neighbors, it is better to think about a different area. { Because recapture clients from working and already gained popularity competitors always extremely difficult. }
Friday, January 3, 2020
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