Thursday, December 26, 2019
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Twelfth Night, or What You Will by William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare is considered to be one of the greatest playwrights in the history of the English language. Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. While there are no official birth records for William Shakespeare, there is a church in Stratford-upon-Avon which claims to have Shakespeare’s baptism records. According to these records William Shakespeare was baptized on April 26, 1564. There is marriage records show that William Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway in 1582. The couple had three children together, and in 1590 Shakespeare left his wife and kids to travel to London. He moved away to London so he could pursue a career as a playwright and actor. After catching the eye of James I and Elizabeth I he became one of the most popular playwrights in England. Shakespeare is famously known for the many different works he produced throughout his lifetime. He wrote many sonnets, poems and plays; which he is most famous for. Shakespeare’s plays have often been described as controversial because he often portrays women as very intelligent figures. Although Shakespeare portrays women in his plays, at the time women were not allowed on the stage, instead the roles were portrayed by adolescent boys. Shakespeare’s father was a glove maker, and his family was of the middle class. This middle class upbringing did not allow Shakespeare to go to university because his family could not afford to send him. Many critics often question how someone who was notShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Twelfth Night Or What You Will2113 Words  | 9 PagesTwelfth Night or What You Will by William Shakespeare is a classic play full of countless humorous encounters between couples and romantic happenstances between those who should not have romant ic relationships. As one of Shakespeare’s most famous comedies, the play explores many problems that seem to be ahead of its time. Within the play, there are instances of cross dressing (Viola as Cesario), homosexual encounters (Sebastian and Antonio), and the ever-asked question of â€Å"what is love?†. LoveRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Twelfth Night Or What You Will Essay936 Words  | 4 PagesWith every good story, there must be reason to the madness. With every great story, the audience is left to question their own thoughts over time. But what really makes a story great? Is it love and good will throughout where in the end nearly everyone is happy and all is well? Shakespeare’s play, Twelfth Night, or What You Will is an example of exactly this happy ending story. Or is it the taboo and transgressions of a story’s characters that make it great? Such as in Shakespeare’s play Hamlet;Read MorePlot And Action In Twelfth Night By Shakespe are1527 Words  | 7 Pagesdilate and Molià ¨re cracks a small smile as he realizes exactly what topic he wants to discuss next.) Molià ¨re. Since we’re on the subject of discussing your play Twelfth Night, there are a couple of key aspects within the dramaturgy of that play that, to this day, still confuse me. William Shakespeare. And what may those be? Molià ¨re. For starters, in Twelfth Night, there seems to be no unity of time, place, or action. William Shakespeare. Go on. What’s your point? Molià ¨re. My point is that the charactersRead More The Character of Sebastian in Shakespeares Twelfth Night: Essay838 Words  | 4 PagesThe Character of Sebastian in Shakespeares Twelfth Night:     Sebastians presence in William Shakespeares Twelfth Night: or What You Will is a vexation. More pointedly, it is his sudden marriage to Olivia which troubles me so. Was he written in to give a parallel storyline between Olivia and Viola? Was he a convenient way to have a double wedding, which Shakespeare seemed to prefer for his happy endings? Or, could there be some other meaning to Sebastian?  The last dayRead MoreThe Different Types of Comedy Employed by Shakespeare in Twelfth Night741 Words  | 3 PagesComedy Employed by Shakespeare in Twelfth Night William Shakespeare wrote Twelfth Night in 1914 as he was commissioned by Queen Elizabeth I to write a comic play for very important Italian courtier. The play included themes of love, confusion, disguise and other particularly funny topics from Shakespearean time. The title Twelfth Night fits in well with the comic play for a number of reasons. Twelfth Night is the name used for the Twelfth Day after ChristmasRead MoreThe Impervious Perception of William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night1631 Words  | 7 PagesIn the kingdom of Illyria (fantasy world), Twelfth Night was supposedly originally written for the entertainment of Queen Elizabeth I. William Shakespeare’s comedy associates with the Feast of Epiphany (January 6th) and was means for entertainment in the seventeenth century. It contains some aspects that can be thought of as a successful comedy when compared to the standards of today’s society. The play incorporates some of the very same devices that are used in modern comedies today, such as topsy-turvyRead MoreAnalyzing Themes in William Shakespeares Twelfth Night Essay1478 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Shakespeare, an English writer in the seventeenth century. He is considered to be the most influential writer in English literature. He wrote various genres, but the common types he wrote were: Tragedies, Comedies, and Histories. Among the m any plays he wrote he wrote one his most famous play, â€Å"Twelfth Night†, which he wrote during the middle of his career. â€Å"Twelfth Night†is considered to be one of Shakespeare’s greatest comedies that he has written. In addition to it is also the only playRead MoreThe Fools in Twelfth Night Essay1098 Words  | 5 PagesThe Fools of Twelfth Night      It is not unusual that the fool should be a prominent figure and make an important contribution in forming the confusion and the humor in an Elizabethan drama. In William Shakespeares comedy, Twelfth Night, Feste the clown is not the only fool who is subject to foolery. He and many other characters combine their silly acts and wits to invade other characters that either escape reality or live a dream. In Twelfth Night, Feste, Maria and Sir Toby are the foolsRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Life Experiences997 Words  | 4 Pages Kemal 1 Ayesha Kemal Mrs. Holcombe Period: 7 10/05/14 Shakespeare’s Life Experiences William Shakespeare was born on April 26, 1564 to John and Mary Shakespeare. As a child Shakespeare grew up in the town of Stratford-upon-Avon in the United Kingdom. He grew up attending a school called King Edward VI School, where he learned to read, write, and use proper grammar. He continued to attend school until his family had some economic hardships and he was unable to attend university. Instead he got marriedRead MoreCompare And Contrast Hamlet And Twelfth Night1162 Words  | 5 PagesFrom Hilarity to Tragedy in Shakespeare: How Hamlet and Twelfth Night Compare By Zawadi Bunzigiye William Shakespeare wrote plays covering the breadth of human experience. They seem to have transcended the restraints of age because of the universal themes that they contain. His body of his work is comprised of genres of plays varying from tragedies to comedies. Of them, Hamlet and Twelfth Night are perfect examples of both. A comparison between them would be of interest because their common points
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Ethical Principles Research Human Subjects †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Disucss About The Ethical Principles Research Human Subjects? Answer: Introducation The first fact of the case is that the tender shall be given to the most capable company so that maximum profits can be riped out. The second important key fact in this scenario is the manager. The management is the CEO of the construction company and hence has a say in the recommendations. The ethical issues in the above case are: (Chron 2013): Decision-Making Issues: The manager could be biased in selecting his company for the tender by taking an advantage of his post as a CEO of the company. Side Deals: The manager could offer tender to some other company in return of the commission from that company. The three ethical principles that are at risk in this situation are as follow: Fairness: In this situation fairness of the manager towards other tendering companies are at risk as he has his own partner company on the tendering list. Truthfulness: The truthfulness of the manager is also at risk. He may make recommendations in favor of the company in which he has a significant share of profits. Justice: The ethical principle of justice is also at risk here in this case. As the manager if recommends his own company then it would be injustice for the other capable companies that might have done better work in low cost. So another ethical principle is compromised here(Childress 2005). Stepping out of decision making would make the manager coward hence the manager shall not take this decision. Declaring interest and taking decision would be good for manager as well as company Not declaring the interest would not be good as recommendations would not be proper in that case. In this case manager shall declare the interest and make recommendations for proper decision making. A small business owner is planning to go global for which he is expecting the help of a government official of that country in which he is intended to set up his further business unit for business purpose. The government official is a key person that can help the business owner in making his plan successful. The government official is expecting a monetary payment in the exchange of his help. This payment is not clear that if he is asking for a bribe or for official payment. The one ethical issue in this case is the decision of whether to give the monetary payment to the government official or not. As he is asking for bribe, which is not a right thing to do. The two ethical principles in this case are as follows(Severson 2016): Respect for the person: In this case the government official is not respecting what the businessman is intended to do, he is only lending his helping hand in exchange of monetary payment from the businessman which is wrong. Beneficence: Here in this scenario the government official rather than expecting money should help the businessman in setting up the business and helps him in protecting his rights but he is only helping him in expectations of getting a monetary compensation in return. Two Courses of Action are: Make the payment: Making the payment would further increase his demand in future but on the other hand the monetary payment would be beneficial for me. Dont make the payment: If the payment is not done he wont help me. So, after going through both the consequences I would want to make him small monetary payment in return of his favor of helping me. APES 110 code of ethics for professional accounting(Zsolnai. 2017): Objectivity: The fundamental code of ethics has been breached in this situation, as the BABA ltd is gifting the auditor a set of golf economics, thinking that it might affects the auditors report. Professional Behavior: In this situation the fundamental code of ethic of professional behavior has been breached, as I helped my friend in getting the loan pass by unfair means. Integrity: Integrity means honesty and truthfulness, the fundamental principle of ethics as per APES 110 has been breached. As working on local council committee, I am being dishonest and untruthful as I am favoring my friends proposal and ignoring the others. References Childress, J 2005, Belmont Revisited: Ethical Principles for Research with Human Subjects, Springer, Accounting. Chron 2013, viewed 17 Feburary 2011, Severson, R 2016, Ethical Principles for the Information Age, Springer, London, viewed 10 june 2016, Zsolnai. 2017, Ethical Principles and Economic Transformation - A Buddhist Approach, Cengage, London, viewed 15 july 2017,
Monday, December 2, 2019
U.S. Vs. Japan In WWII Essays - Japan, , Term Papers
U.S. vs. Japan in WWII On August 6, 1945 the atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The Enola Gay, piloted by Colonel Tibbetts, was chosen to make the mission. The mission was recorded as successful by Capt. William S. Parson at 9:20 A.M. This was an extremely controversial military strategy in the United States. Was the United States justified in the dropping of the atomic bomb? Yes, they were justified formany reasons. The primary reason was, that it would stop the war. Why is it that this war needed to be stopped so badly? Even though in some ways it was helping our economy, it was very costly in both money and lives. Also, the United States soldiers were undergoing harsh treatment by the unmerciful Japanese. Another reason the war needed to be stopped was to defend ourselves from another attack on U.S. soil, which in turn would kill many of our U.S. citizens. This is why the war needed to be stopped; thus, justifying the use of the atomic bomb. World War II was the costliest war in history, in terms of lives lost. No exact figures exist, but approximately between 15 and 20 million military personnel were killed. Of these, 292,000 were Americans and 6,000 innocent United States citizens were murdered by our enemies. It has been estimated that if the United States had not dropped the bomb and had invaded Japan instead, the United States would have lost about a million soldiers. The Japanese suicidal fighting strategies greatly effected this number. The Japanese would rather die than surrender. This is demonstrated by the battle of Saipan. At this battle over half of the population of Saipan walked off a cliff instead of surrendering to the United States. This was often very effective. Many times when a Japanese soldier decided to blow himself up instead of surrendering he would kill many Americans with the same blast. Also the kamikaze techniques of the Japanese fighters killed many soldiers. If this war would have continued we could have lost thousands more. Also up to this point we spent 300 billion dollars on war efforts. Many materials and other objects were damaged. Any estimate on how much money was lost in damages would be futile. This number would have continued to rise if it had not been for the use of the atomic bomb. The horrendous atrocities that occurred during World War II were unmerciful as well as unnecessary. During one invasion of China, the rape of Nanking, the Japanese killed 100,000 Chinese civilians. They were burned, butchered, and raped. Sometimes the Japanese would tie a big group of them together and use them for bayonet and sword practice. After the fall of Bataan the soldiers were forced to go on a death march. During this march many unheard of things happened to the soldiers. A soldier was often killed for trying to get a drink of water. If a soldier fell down the Japanese would either bayonet them or knock them unconscious. Once they were knocked unconscious, the Japanese then forced another American soldier to bury the unconscious soldier alive. One soldier once commented, "The worst time was once when a burial victim with about six inches of earth over him suddenly regained consciousness and clawed his way out until he was almost sitting upright. Then I learned to what length a man will go to hang onto his life. The bayonets began to prod me in the side and I was forced to bash the soldier over the head with the shovel and then finish burying him."(Kappler, Pg. 168) This harsh treatment to innocent civilians and our soldiers needed to stop. The atomic bomb was a way to stop it. On December 7, 1941," A day that will live in infamy," Pearl Harbor was deliberately attacked by the Japanese. Reports indicate that 2400 people were killed and 1300 were wounded. The reason Japan bombed Pearl Harbor was because that was where all of our Navy ships were positioned. They were hoping to take out the Navy and were almost successful. The aircraft carriers were expected to be in the harbor, but luckily were not. Although the attack may have been a military success
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